Adam and I are feeling great!! We had one extra long shift last night and we were pretty whiped out afterwards but then we both got 5+hrs of sleep and we woke up ready to roll!!!
Our shift this morning was a piece of cake even with a few mountains at the end. We entered into Colorado within the first few miles of that shift. We had Weezal/Peter driving Leap Frog and Stacey/Fabio driving Follow Vehicle. After 6:30am when the Follow Vehicle was no longer needed Stacey/Fabio went back to the RV to do some laundry and cleanup stuff while Weezal/Peter provided us with full support from the Leap Frog vehicle.
We are resting right now. I just slept for about 2hrs and Adam is still sleeping. We have a very hard shift ahead of us. Apparently there will be a good amount of mountains to pass!!
you guys are doing awesome!! i've been checking the check-point list or whatever it is every morning when i get to work. you're flying through!!
keep up the great work! i am super proud! :) im praying for your safety and strength!!
ps- pat, i got so angry when i saw you wearing that bandana!! haha j/k.
Pat's awesome! Chix dig your hair!
Thanks for mentioning Fabio in the post. I was getting worried that maybe he was left behind at one of the stops.
Great job guys! We are all rooting for you!
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