Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Father and son riding 184 miles for Angelman Syndrome Foundation

Halethorpe, Md. (July 20, 2010) – Today Adventures For the Cure (AFC) announced a new fundraising campaign supporting the Angelman Syndrome Foundation, which provides research and support to fight this neuro-genetic disorder that occurs in 1 in 15,000 live births.

In 2008, AFC led a successful campaign for Luke's Bike. This summer, Luke and Stephen are using the bike to raise funds and awareness for Angelman Syndrome (AS). Luke along with his father Stephen Wright just completed the first leg of their 184-mile journey along the Chesapeake & Ohio (C&O) Canal towpath.

Stephen and Luke Wright on the bike's maiden voyage (February 2009)
Stephen Wright riding with son Luke on the bike's maiden voyage.

The following is a ride report from Stephen Wright after the completion of the first leg of their journey.

As many of you know, my son Luke and I are riding the Chesapeake & Ohio (C&O) Canal towpath from Cumberland, West Virginia to Georgetown in northwest Washington, D.C., in three segments this summer, partly to raise funds and awareness of Angelman Syndrome. The guys at AFC have been great and have helped me set up a campaign on their website. Please inform any of your friends who may be looking for a tax-exempt donation for 2010.

The first segment, from Cumberland, W.V., to Hancock, Md., was completed Saturday July 17th and was a great success. Luke did very well, although I asked him to sit in his seat longer than I had hoped. My goal was to pedal at 15 mph, but that bike, with Luke on it weights over 75 lbs, and is tough to push. I managed 14-15 mph in segments, but mainly it was 12-13 mph for the ride. I was bonking for the last five or so, it was tough. The whole day, my beautiful wife was a perfect sag support. It was her idea to stop at Brewer's Alley in Frederick for a restorative burger and oatmeal stout!

One amazing stroke of luck was at the very end in Hancock. Luke was down and I was getting packed up for the drive home when the front tire started hissing. It just gave up after 60.5 miles, sitting in a parking lot. Although I had a spare and tools, of course, I thought the timing was pretty funny.

Our next leg will be from Hancock to Harper's Ferry, about 63 miles, on Saturday August 7, and the final leg will be Saturday August 28, where we'll sit around having a few pints after the ride. If any are interesting in riding part or all of these rides, let me know by emailing me directly [stephenwright41099 -@- yahoo.com] and I'll communicate the details to those interested. My wife will be in sag support again, but I'm afraid you will have to make all of your own arrangements for transport to and from. Our car can hold any food or water you'd like to have at pre-arranged pit stops. Thanks for considering!

To make a tax-deductible donation, please visit:
AFC Campaign for Angelman Syndrome Foundation

About the Angelman Syndrome Foundation
The Angelman Syndrome Foundation is a national organization of families, caregivers and medical professionals who care about those with Angelman Syndrome. Our mission is to advance the awareness and treatment of Angelman Syndrome through education and information, research, support and advocacy for individuals with Angelman Syndrome, their families, and other concerned parties. To learn more, visit http://www.angelman.org/. For a complete but brief introduction, go to http://www.angelman.org/about-us.

About Adventures for the Cure
Adventures For The Cure (AFC), a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization and USA Cycling club which exists to raise awareness for diabetes, to show those diagnosed with diabetes and their families how leading a healthy and active lifestyle can move you beyond your perceived limits, and to raise funds for diabetes research. In addition to fighting diabetes, AFC was created to inspire everyone to use their gifts and talents to make positive change in the world around us. For more details, visit http://adventuresforthecure.com or on Facebook.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

AFC selected for Lights. Camera. Help. The Nonprofit Film Festival

Austin, Texas, July 15, 2010 - Adventures for the Cure: The Doc has been awarded as an Official Selection of Lights. Camera. Help. The Nonprofit Film Festival 2010. This 2nd annual film festival will be held Thursday, July 29, 2010 at 7:00 PM - Saturday, July 31, 2010 at 10:00 PM (Central Time) in Austin, Texas. AFC's film is scheduled for Thursday evening.

The film was one of 33 films selected from 235 films from around the world and is eligible for the Jury Prize - a cash donation to the causes behind the top three films (long form, short form and public service announcement.

Passes are now available and single-day tickets will go on sale tomorrow.

Adventures for the Cure: The Doc explores the journey when three young men (Adam Driscoll, Patrick Blair and Jesse Stump) set off to cross the United States on single-speed, fixed-gear bicycles, the physical challenge itself is incredibly daunting. But these are not just three tough guys; they ride to raise money and awareness for diabetes and to help disabled Kenyan kids. The film is directed by PHiLLYK and directed by Andrew Bly and co-stars Andy Knowlton and Cindy Bauer.

The film focuses on Adam, himself a Type-1 diabetic who has to manage his illness while riding up to 150 miles a day. And it tells the touching stories of two diabetic children the group meets along the way, and how they change the men's lives. But the ride has its comical side, too: The three are chased by wild dogs in Kentucky, ditch their rain-battered tent in Kansas to sleep on picnic tables, engage in an insane game of "foot down" with a bunch of bikers in Oregon, and struggle hilariously to achieve their goal of singing karaoke in all 16 states they pass through on their zigzag 6,500-mile journey. The trip is one of amazing discovery – of a country of stunning natural beauty and of a nation of incredibly kind and generous souls passed along the way.

"Adventures for the Cure" is narrated by the three-time Tour de France winner Greg LeMond.

Lights. Camera. Help. is the premiere film festival for non-profit and grass roots organizations. Through this annual event, films and videos with a cause directly related to a non-profit or grass roots organization will be subject to a rigorous criteria by a panel of judges. The films and videos will gain notoriety by being considered the best in one of several distinct categories.

This festival is the first of its kind and is a pillar of the City of Austin, a prominent city in the non-profit, grass roots and activism communities. These organizations, along with filmmakers, will use the festival to spread the word about their cause, develop a community of followers, and expand the film-for-a-cause genre.

About Adventures for the Cure
Adventures For The Cure (AFC), a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization and USA Cycling club which exists to raise awareness for diabetes, to show those diagnosed with diabetes and their families how leading a healthy and active lifestyle can move you beyond your perceived limits, and to raise funds for diabetes research. In addition to fighting diabetes, AFC was created to inspire everyone to use their gifts and talents to make positive change in the world around us. For more details, visit http://adventuresforthecure.com/ or on Facebook.

About Lights. Camera. Help.
Lights. Camera. Help. is a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to encouraging other nonprofit and cause-driven organizations to use film and video to tell their stories. They do this through education, volunteer match programs, screenings and an annual film festival. For more information, visit http://www.lightscamerahelp.org

Permanent Link: http://blog.adventuresforthecure.com/2010/07/afc-selected-for-lights-camera-help.html