Mileage: 75
Funds Raised:
$8,628.87 for Kupenda (+ $100.00 thanks to my Uncle Bernie!!)
$20,000 is the goal for Kupenda. That is the amount needed to build a boarding facility so that 30+ children, who have disabilities, will get to go to school!!! It is a chance to really make a difference in a lot of people's lives!!!
$7,805 for ADA
Battling diabetes is something that is close to our hearts since Adam has Type I Diabetes. AFC's mission at it's core is to raise awareness, show other diabetics that anything is possible, and to do anything to combat diabetes!
Last night at our campsite in Ennis, Montana PhillyK, AndyK, and Adam took some really good pictures at the sunset. Check these out!
When we got to West Yellowstone we found a fun sign to take a picture with. I wanted Adam and Jesse in the picture and I had a good idea for a funny pose. I started to climb the sign to show them what I wanted them to do and I ended up getting 3 huge splinters in my thigh :(. It took Jesse and Adam at least 45 minutes to dig them out. I have a slight limp now so tomorrow I might be biking a bit slower than usual. I really really appreciate those guys doing surgery on me... They can do anything!!

(Splinters everywhere when I tried to climb the West Yellowstone sign...
splinters are the opposite of fun)
Tonight we are going to a bar in the city where we have heard there is a dance party going on in the streets!! Ohhh yea!! I love to dance... Too bad I have a limp now. I still try my best to get my dance on. I am sure that PhillyK and AndyK will rock the house with their dance moves. I will try to get a video of them dancing for this blog. They are the best!
Tomorrow we are meeting up with Adam's parents, his brother Alex (aka Baby Suga), and our good friend Lauren. They will be hanging out with us for a week and driving an RV!! It will be soooo fun.
Aww, Patt-E, your leg okay? You guys are lookin good, I'll try and snake some Euro for your funds, let me see if I can start an AFC following over here.
Chris is realllllyyyyyyy lean. Go check out my pics and leave some comments so we don't lose touch and never speak again.
<3 X"T"C, Fatty
Do 'tuff' guys wear band-aids?
Love the amazing artsy pics...REALLY love the goofy sign the website more and what you guys are doing...loved the pix messaging battle last night...definitely just love you guys!!!!!!! That will be another $5 going to Kupenda;)
After meeting you yesterday in line for West Entrance to Yellowstone National Park, we have had a chance to check out your website.
Your efforts are even more impressive!
We definitely plan to track your journey across the USA!
We saw you a second time as you were climbing the Continental Divide - we were descending - gave you guys a quick beep - beep.
We prayed for you in church today - thought about adding a mention for a permanent tail wind.
Meeting you guys added to our memorable first family trip to Yellowstone!
Jim and Mary Kramer Family (Maura, age 10; Joseph, age 8; and Thomas, age 2)
Great stuff, guys ... Did you know your web site had followers even in Paris? Enjoy Yellowstone and everything else. Can't you guys pitch in and buy a couple extra sleeping bags? Great pix, great commentary, we wouldn't miss a day. FamilyK.
You guys are so amazing! Jess keep those smiles coming! $25 in the mail for Kupenda.
Love, Aunt Dadoon
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