Mileage: 80
Funds Raised:
$8,863.87 for Kupenda
$20,000 is the goal for Kupenda. That is the amount needed to build a boarding facility so that 30+ children, who have disabilities, will get to go to school!!! It is a chance to really make a difference in a lot of people's lives!!!
$7,855 for ADA
Battling diabetes is something that is close to our hearts since Adam has Type I Diabetes. AFC's mission at it's core is to raise awareness, show other diabetics that anything is possible, and to do anything to combat diabetes!
Our campsite was right in the middle of Yellowstone. We even saw some Elk passing by like 100 meters from our tent! After getting a good nights sleep (I got to sleep in the RV with Adam's parents, Alex, and Lauren) we woke up, ate breakfast, and exlpored some of Yellowstone!
On the 25th We went to the sulfur springs and they were soooo amazing.

(PhillyK at sulfur springs)
On the 26th before we started biking we woke up extra early to leave the campsite and look for some wildlife. We found a coyote!! We also got some good pictures of the sun rising!
We biked from Yellowstone to Jackson Hole, Wyoming. On the way we saw the Grand Tetons. These mountains might be the most beautiful thing we have seen so far!
Since we crossed the boarder of another state we tried with all of our might to find karaoke in Jackson Hole (again we have to do karaoke in every state we visit). We were unable to find any karaoke in Jackson Hole :( But it is okay because we have a lot of nights in Wyoming.
Keep it up the good work!
Wow, nice picture! (most beautiful day yet?) I sent it on to my mo and bro, who you'll be meeting in a couple days...
Love it that you were camping in my "home" territory (aka Yellowstone Lake)! Great riding, you guys - you're on fixed gears????!!
Karen & Kim
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