Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Quotes from the Kupenda Coordinator Leonard

Leonard(pictured at desk) is the coordinator of Kupenda in Africa. He is working full time for Kupenda. He has done amazing things for Kupenda and continues to do great work.

Leonard's quotes from his email are talking about the boarding facility where the money we raise is going too.

"A renovation of the Boarding Facility would take 2 to 3 months. It will be the grate homour to Adam and Patric to officially open the facility when its ready. What Adam and Patric are doing for Kupenda is highly appreciated and we will keep praying for their big event. Biking accross Africa its a brilliant idea and I do support it."

"Known children who will benefit from the Boarding facility are 30 in number both hearing impared and Cerebral Palsied. But we time and expansion of the facility more children will be admited just as is hapenning at Gede. In fact Marafa is likely to grow to a full Special School in a few years to come."


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