Total bar sales: $2,736.00
AFC gets 50% of the total bar sales, so we got: $1,368
(80% goes to Kupenda, 20% goes to ADA)
Total from tips: $600.00
(50% goes to Kupenda, 50% goes to ADA)
Total for t-shirts and raffle: $710.00
(100% AFC - we spent about $1,600 buying the 2 hundred t-shirts... we will start making money on them soon... i think we only sold about 45)
Thank you to eveyone who came out!! It was a total success!! I think everyone has a greattt time
YEAAAA YOu GUYS ROCK MY WORLD!!! :-) Saturday was the most fun night I've ever had in Fed Hill!! I may even have enjoyed myself a little TOOO much... but it's cool, it was for a good cause! Truly and inspiration, my friends...
Yeah, it was awesome!
what a great night and I'm glad it was so successful. The next one will be even bigger and better and out soccer tourney is gonna be huge!!! Yay!!!
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