Friday, March 31, 2006
USAT Triathlon Newsletter!
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Monday, March 27, 2006
AFC Email List
Thursday, March 23, 2006
VO2 Max Testing!!

Adam and I will be getting our VO2 Max tested on April 9th at Total Performance Inc. It will be an interesting experiement to see how much improvement we can see in our VO2 Max from that time until we are tested again when we return sometime in September. I have an Ironman in November and I will test one more time just before that race, which will be 2 months of anerobic training, to see what my VO2 Max is at that point!
Stay tuned for updates on test results!
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
AFC BumperStickers for sale!

We are now selling AFC bumper stickers!! Sooooo cool!! Of course all the profits for the stickers will be going to ADA and Kupenda!
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Quotes from the Kupenda Coordinator Leonard
Leonard's quotes from his email are talking about the boarding facility where the money we raise is going too.
"A renovation of the Boarding Facility would take 2 to 3 months. It will be the grate homour to Adam and Patric to officially open the facility when its ready. What Adam and Patric are doing for Kupenda is highly appreciated and we will keep praying for their big event. Biking accross
"Known children who will benefit from the Boarding facility are 30 in number both hearing impared and Cerebral Palsied. But we time and expansion of the facility more children will be admited just as is hapenning at Gede. In fact Marafa is likely to grow to a full
Monday, March 20, 2006
T-Shirts for sale!!
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
New Supporters Page!
Sunday, March 12, 2006
AFC on RAGBRAI and Mid Maryland Triathlon page
Check out AFC on the RAGBRAI(bike ride across IOWA july 23rd-29th) and the Mid Maryland triathlon page. If anyone is interested joining us in RAGBRAI for a week please contact us by end of week and send an email to adrisc1@gmail.com
Check out links below:
mid-maryland tri club
New Events Page
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Car/Bike Wash on April 2nd
Soccer Tournament April 22nd!!!

It is official! There will be a soccer tournament at SoccerDome II on April 22nd to help AFC reach its goals and raise money and awareness for ADA and Kupenda! If you like soccer and would like to join team AFC we are still looking for members. We need 4 girls, 6 guys, and 1 goalie to make a team. We will be playing against lots of other teams including my old team FullOut! 1/2 the proceeds from the event will go to our causes!
For more information on how to join our team or register your own team please email me at pblair12@gmail.com
Thursday, March 09, 2006

Thanks to the efforts of our amazing friend Shelley Sullivan we may be hosting a soccer tournament at the SoccerDome to help raise funds for Kupenda. We are hoping to meet with the owner of SoccerDome this weekend to work out all the specifics.
If this happens we will register a team: AdventuresForTheCure. So we need players!! It will be a co-ed tournament so everyone is invited. If you are interested in playing on team AFC please email me at mailto:pblair12@gmail.com.
We are looking to raise $20,000.00 for Kupenda because that is the cost of a new boarding facility for the children to go to who currently cannot go to school because they have no way to travel the long distance to get there. Of course we will also be raising money for ADA to help fight the battle against Diabetes!!
This soccer tournament and every other even we put on are fun ways to raise money for a good cause!! So come out, join our team, have fun, and change the lives of these childre... all at the same time :)
Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Last week while meeting Dean Karnazes we met some really incredible people. One was Dane Rauschenberg, he is running 52 marathons in 2006. That is one marathon every weekend. His website is http://www.fiddy2.org/ . Dane is a guy just like us, someone that works all week then on the weekend he flies to his marathon for the weekend and flies back for work. Incredible.

AFC meets Dean Karnazes
Adam and I got the chance to meet the inspiration of AFC last night at a book signing in Arlington VA. Dean Karnazes's book 'Ultramarathon Man' gave us the idea to use our excitment for biking, running, and endurance sports to make a difference! This year Dean will be running for 52 marathons in 52 days! That guy is sooo tuff.
Monday, March 06, 2006
Online Donations!!
Final from No Way Jose Cafe

Total bar sales: $2,736.00
AFC gets 50% of the total bar sales, so we got: $1,368
(80% goes to Kupenda, 20% goes to ADA)
Total from tips: $600.00
(50% goes to Kupenda, 50% goes to ADA)
Total for t-shirts and raffle: $710.00
(100% AFC - we spent about $1,600 buying the 2 hundred t-shirts... we will start making money on them soon... i think we only sold about 45)
Thank you to eveyone who came out!! It was a total success!! I think everyone has a greattt time
Spokes Magazine - March 2006
Thanks to the efforts of our Mid-Maryland Triathlon club president, Sadj Bartolo, we were put in contact with Ron Cassie who wrote an excellent article in Spokes Magazine all about AFC's trip across the country!! We are sooooo excited to be in such a cool magazine!! Everyone should go and check it out!!
Sunday, March 05, 2006
No Way Jose Guest Bartending!!
Adam and Stump did an amazingggg job behind the bar while I was 'working the crowd'
Don't you like our cool AFC t-shirts?
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Post Comments!!
Please at anytime post comments about anything. We love to see that people are reading our blog:). Comments is right below each blog.
Meeting with Emmanuel in NYC!!!
Emmanuel is actually as much of a good person in real life as he is portrayed in his movie: Emmanuel's Gift. He is an extremely caring person and he is all out trying to make a