Tuesday, June 23, 2009

What a difference a shift makes. Prior to a 6 hour sleep shift we saw some of the most beautiful mountain views in the country and now there are field and silos as far as the eye can see. Logistics are key with this race. There's more to do than you might think: shop for food, stock coolers, move bikes between vans, move crew, maintain bikes, sleep, cook. Riders need to track gear, stay hydrated, eat, get themselves clean every so often. Oh, and ride. Hard. How do they get back on the bike every time? Their bodies must be screaming, "No!" at times. Yes, there are many motivators, but Pat and Adam do it for the challenge. And to help other people. They have a bright outlook on life and don't let what's wrong in the world bring them down - that only strengthens their resolve. And so they pedal. Keep following us and you'll be even more inspired. This may get ugly as we move further East, but I feel deep in my heart that we will succeed.


Madi said...

Gotta love Kansas! Goat-how were the good people of Red River?

You guys are doing it. AWESOME!! Riding and crewing 3000 miles for others is AMAZING!

You are all inspiring, know that.


Cleo said...

Woah....27.99 average at last time station? Smokinnnn!!! It's nice to hear everyone on the live feed. Keep it up guys :-)

Jim Harrison said...

27??? RAAM website must not be updating.

Tell Adam I'm wearing nothing but team colors for the week at work. Now I've got 3 shirts to rotate!

Ryan's Dad said...

Keep heading into the sunrise; the great State of Maryland awaits you. Also, make sure you feed Ryan, as he's a "grump" without food. I'll bet you love flat Kansas!

nick said...

Watching you guys on the live blog - awesome keep up the good work. Max will be wearing his jersey!

Alex said...

Love the commentary Stacey, you crack me up! Especially loved the shout to my dad. Awesome job guys ... Laura and I are debating whether or not we could pull off RAAM. Definitely helping pass my day here at work.

P.S. ask Ryan if he's seen any BOJANGLES (said in southern accent)!

Anonymous said...

Somebody give those guys a neck massage! Keep it up- doing great...before you know it you will be celebrating in Annapolis.

Holly, Ed, Hailey said...

You guys are doing INCREDIBLE! Hailey loves to watch you guys biking on the live feed! Keep up the great work! God speed!
BTW - I called our local news stations (and Oprah, too) to tell them about your remarkable journey in hopes they'll be in Annapolis when you finish!

Laura said...

You guys are SOOO inspirational! Keep up the awesome job and good eating!!! :)

David Harrity said...

great job guys!!!! averaged 27.99 on the leg to TS22, Elkhart, KS. Up to 19.55 mph avg overall.