Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Fabio's Corner :)

OK, I'll correct my own blog mis-information... Good thing it's early in the morning and I have a chance to do this before anyone else!

The PDM communicates with the insulin pod and the CGM communicates with another pod whose purpose is to monitor his sugar level. Adam has an active insulin pod (he better or else he'd need to inject insulin manually!) but didn't get a chance to put on the pod that communicates with the CGM. Luckily he can do this and the calibration process can happen over the following few hours. So later this morning he should be good to go and won't be measuring his insulin manually.

OK, what do I still have wrong or what else can you add?

Seems like life was a lot more challenging for diabetics before this advent of these devices...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW hopefully Adam you have the other CGM which can monitor sooner than later. It's all about learning. I know it a drag without a CGM, I can't even begin to think about riding across america without one. Keep going and get more of those AFC snowballs