For those of you who don't know. Adam's nickname is "Sugar". That has been his nickname for as long as I have known him. When we saw the sign for a town called Sugar City we had to celebrate. The rest is history...
Hope you enjoyed...
Yes we are taking donations for the work done to make that video :-)
i can't believe you did that when there was a funeral going on across the street! those are the kinds of incredible skillz we are missing back here:)
lauren hc
OMG Adam you need singing lessons for sure. Heather will see this and run for the hills or maybe even Africa... Your overwhelming lack of musical ability continues to astound me. And you think that the K brothers can teach you to dance??
Mom d
remember to fill in the little blue dots for arrived!!!!!!!!!!!
I am running far to Africa! But, I would definitely shell out at least a $5 for that dancing action- of course, I would have to had invested in some ear plugs though! :)
Big Hug
Haha That is great!!! SMILES :)
Pitful............even Stumpy was partaking in the action! We using any sun screen?????
it is kinda like a train wreck... i want to look away but somehow i can't... =] keep going guys i am enjoying reading the updates!
I became ill shortly after watching that...
Klim, the RED Fox
Adam, you know I love you to death, but that was just, plain, SAD. Don't give up the day job. Love Mom in Hughesville
Isnt it amazing-this video got the most comments so far not that they were positive comments hope the weather is holding for you guys and no tornados blowing that tent around
mom d
Am donating to Kupenda in the hopes that there'll be no more dance videos! $>}
Sugar, Dee Dee and I absolutely LOVED it! We watched it probably over ten times on Fatty's computer.
Those twenty seconds are definitely worth twenty bucks to us!
*Dee Dee and Carly
Hmmm. That video actually brought money in.
Maybe you guys should change it to Dancing (and Karaoke'ing) for the Cure!
awww, look at you guys hyping it up.
hope you're all doing well!
And here I was worried that you were running low on fuel and power gel. Apparently the lack of food is going to your heads! I love it! You boyz are so crazy that this works for the cause! So much better than that evolution of dance video clip! Ride strong guys!
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