Saturday, July 29, 2006

Muscatine, IA (RAGBRAI Day 7)

Date: 7/29/06
Mileage: 52

Funds Raised:

$11,934.62 for Kupenda
Donations thanks to Rob Fox, Rob's mom Pam, Amy, Andy, Craig
$20,000 is the goal for Kupenda. That is the amount needed to build a boarding facility so that 30+ children, who have disabilities, will get to go to school!!! It is a chance to really make a difference in a lot of people's lives!!!

$8,936.00 for ADA
Donations thanks to
David Haaga, Tania Desrosiers, and Paula Bisacre
Battling diabetes is something that is close to our hearts since Adam has Type I Diabetes. AFC's mission at it's core is to raise awareness, show other diabetics that anything is possible, and to do anything to combat diabetes!

Today was extremely hot! We got a late start so we were biking from 11:00 until around 2:00. It was only 50 miles but after we were done it felt like it was 75 or more just because our bodies have to work so much harder in the heat.

Today was the last and final day of RAGBRAI! We figured that we would be able to setup at the expo one last time but since it was the last day everyone was going home so there were not many people around to talk to or anything. We did manage to sell a few T-Shirts but it was not like the other days.

It was also our last day biking with Jason Cusick, Weezal, and Team Lynn. We will miss having all the fun company on the road!

(Bye Bye Team Lynn!)

I also got to hang out with my good friend Robert Fox, who I knew from when I was young. He tried to help us to find a karaoke bar last night so we could get our yokey on in Iowa but we were unsucessful in our search :( Mabye tonight we will be able to find some karaoke somewhere around here.

(Andy, Amy, Rob, and Rob's mom Pam)

RAGBRAI was great!! We raised almost $1,500 for Kupenda and ADA and we talked to tons and tons of people about things like helping others, using the insulin pump instead of taking needles (for diabetics only :), what it is like in Africa for the children we are raising money for, what it is like for Adam and biking long days, and how cool Surly's fixies are (we loveee these bikes). It was awesome to walk around at night after we finished at the expo and see a few people wearing AFC t-shirts!! sooo cool!

Side Not On AFC's Plans:
Right before we left for our trip our good friend Brett wanted us to visit her in Chicago. We looked at the map and we figured that we could do it! Especially if we could setup some fundraising event when we got there. We were not able to get anything together as far as talking or fundraising so we have decided to skip on Chicago for this year's trip. It would have been lots of long days of biking in a row to get there and then get back on our route home and we figure we don't want to push ourselves to our limits for no good reason.

Instead we are planning smaller detours to Knocksville, TN and Virginia Beach (to visit our good friend Shelley!). We will be updating our route on our map page tomorrow. I am sure that this decision will make our parents happy :) They were a little worried about our long and hard journey to Chicago especially with how hot it has been lately!


Anonymous said...

Hey Guys,

Great job in Iowa of raising your collections.
I know you were all working hard to make your journey's goal. From what I have seen all of you have done a great service already to the organizations you represent. If nothing else happens, you should all be very proud that you have come so far and done so much for each other, Kupenda, and ADA.

So tonight I toast my beer to you guys and look forward to riding with you again on Labor Day

Mr D

Anonymous said...

AFC Guys-

Your friend Martin is glad that you've adjusted your bike plans, too.

You're spreading the good word, and doing it in style.

Like Lou Whitaker said,

"You're livin' on the edge, and not takin' up too much space.."

Stay well,

soccerella said...

food, beds and most importantly beer bread await you in VA!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You guys did great for both funds. You have much to be proud of....Another 30+ days to go and you will be riding the waves at OC........And thanks for thinking about your parents who would have worried for 24 straight hours about Chicago!


Anonymous said...

i love RAGBRAI and IOWA!!! Soooo glad I made it out there with you guys - your doing amazing things and it was sooo cool to see it first hand - I am sooo proud of you guys. Keep up the amazing work and I can't wait to see ya in OCMD!!!! WHOOOOO!!!

weez :)

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited to see all of you next year (beacuse I know you will be back - at least I hope so). You give so much to the people you meet. I am glad to be one of them.

Keep spreadin' the Love,
Team Lynn