Thursday, July 16, 2009

Youth Swim Team Conducting Swim-A-Thon for Extreme Weekend Fundraiser

07.16.2009 - Columbia, Md. - The Phelps Luck Snappers swim team will be raising funds for the Extreme Weekend for Children with Diabetes Camp at this Saturday's Swim-a-thon at the Phelps Luck Pool.

The Snappers participate in the Columbia Neighborhood Swim League (CNSL), which consists of kids ranging in age from 6 through 15. Swim-a-thon is a annual fundraiser by the Phelps Luck Snappers in which participants earn money for a local charity by swimming lengths of the pool. On the evening of July 18th, these young athletes will be swimming laps in the pool and enjoying a sleepover at Phelps Luck!. Volunteers will track their progress. Sponsors will reward the swimmers for the total number of lengths of the pool completed (or with a flat pledge). There will be prizes for children with the most pledges.

Co-founder Patrick Blair stated, "We're excited and humbled to be selected as this year's charity recipient of the Swim-a-thon sponsored by Phelps Luck Swim Team." This year's charity fun event is coordinated by parents Deb Sharkey and Mike West. West added, "The kids are really excited about helping other kids. Many of the swimmers know about Adventures For The Cure through friends, family members and the news."

The AFC Extreme Weekend for Children with Diabetes Camps exist to provide children with diabetes the opportunity to maximize their ability to perform at their highest level in all areas of sports, fitness and life activities while maintaining intensive glucose control as this is necessary for proper diabetes management.

How you can help?
While the event is closed to the general public, Phelps Luck supporters, friends and family along with AFC supporters have been invited to sponsor kids (anonymously if they like). If you know the parents or members of the Snappers swim team, please contact them or visit the Snappers website at for more information.

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