Friday, July 31, 2009

Speaking Engagement: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Columbia

07.31.2009 - Columbia, MD - This Sunday, August 2, starting at 10:00 am, co-founders Adam Driscoll and Patrick Blair will be speaking at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Columbia (UUCC). Newcomers and guests are more than welcome to attend.

At Sunday's service, you will hear from, and interact with, two “Gen-Y”-ers who will inspire us to step up your game. A UUCC service for all ages, but be sure to encourage the youths and young adults in your lives to join us for the morning!

Read more about our guests and one of their adventures in this article from The Baltimore Sun: “Grueling Ride for a Good Cause”, published on June 14.

Michael Adock will be playing piano.

Worship Associate: Julie Boughn

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Columbia,
Owen Brown Interfaith Center

7246 Cradlerock Way
Columbia, MD 21045

Driving Directions:

What is the dress code?
Members wear everything from jeans and sneakers to traditional Sunday best.