AFC had a great showing with 10 people in the race.
Cat 4 race
Alex: 1st
Pat: 11th
Greg(Goat): 36th
Cat 3/4 Masters
Mike W: 46th
Steve(MC): 48th
Avy: 13th
Holden: 3rd
Tommy: 8th
Cat 3/4
Adam: 2nd
Keith: 31st
Full results here
Now we have a special report from Avy and Holden who were both in the Juniors races:
In the beginning, I was scared that it was going to be too tough for me, because I was the youngest person signed up for the juniors race. Then I got confidence in myself to do the race and get a good placement. I was happy with my placement even though I was second to last, because I wasn't last and that was something I was worrying about. My dad took me for a practice lap and I almost missed the beginning of my race! When the race began it was raining. It felt very nice because I was sweating. Two boys went down in front of me and I almost went down with them, but instead I went around them. I knew my bike was really heavy and I was afraid the barriers were going to slow me down. The thing I didn't like about the race was the part where I had to walk through all that mud and it felt gross because I wasn't used to it. The run up was the hardest part of the race because I couldn't get my bike up that hill so Mr. Mike helped me. When I got down the steep hill the announcer said that I was the youngest person in the race and to give me a hand. It made me feel very good because I knew that I was doing a good job. I crashed once where I went down the hill and flipped over my bike. I got up quickly and and didn't get passed. I was glad that the sand pit (endo pit) wasn't built up this year because I probably would have lost time or crashed if i had to ride my bike through that. On the second lap Mr. Chris helped my over the barriers because I was getting so tired. When I got near the pit my dad squirted me off with the hose-that felt really good!!! When I was going up the hill close to the finish line I was catching up to a boy that had passed me and crashed in the beginning. I was so close to passing him but I was too tired. I crossed the finish line with a lady named Betsy Shogren. Lilypons was very fun and I enjoyed it and the mud.
In the morning the rainy forecast made me kinda nervous. I was thinking the rain might have made the course very slippery. Then I realized it would be my second race at Lilypons and only my second time on my Dad's cross bike-the Lemond Poprad. When we left our house and got on the road we saw that Mr. Klose was right behind us and that Tommy and Mr. Fabella were in the car too. Once we arrived, I noticed that last year's "endo pit" was not built up and they left it flat. They probably thought the course was hard enough with all the rain we had. I was interested to find out that LilyPonds is named after a Metropolitan Opera singer. My piano teacher mentioned it to me before I came and then I noticed a plaque at the Farm. Unfortunately I was unable to ride my warm up, since my dad was using the Poprad too. I was really proud of all the AFC team members who raced before us like Adam, Alex, Mr. Klose, Mr. Mike, Pat, Goat and my Dad. Then I got to thinking to myself "Heck, if Pat has the courage to race with a cast on his broken wrist then why wouldn't I want to race". My Dad took my sister on her warm up lap to pre ride the course and Tommy and I lined up for our race. Avy barley made it back in time for the race to start! They lined up the women and then we just went. I got close to Justin up front like my mom told me too and Tommy was next to me. At first when I saw the barriers I was scared they would slow me down a lot, but then I got in front of some people. Tommy was ahead of me and then when we went between the two ponds I saw Tommy and then a lady, so I went left and passed them. Then we had the deep mud trench and I got off my bike and pushed it through. On the gravel road I deliberately went through the puddles to refresh myself. I really enjoyed once you got off the gravel section and back onto the trail section with the announcer and big hill. I dragged my bike up the hill and it was pretty steep and then rode down the steep section. I think I passed most of the people in the very beginning. Whenever I saw other AFC people I got more energy. Near the end I felt like I was going to throw up but, I finished and found out I got third place. I think Tommy did really well for his first race and I think this was my best race ever.

Tommy coming down the very steep downhill section
1 comment:
I love the AFC kids!!! You guys are AMAZING!
Lauren Blair
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