Special day for one of our Juniors Tommy Klose. It was his Birthday and he did great in the U16 Junior race!
Awesome day especially for AFC!
CAT 4:
Patrick Blair: 23rd
B masters:
Steve Klose: 41st
David Tambeaux: 51st
CAT 3/4:
Alex Driscoll: 2nd **Special Race Report from Alex below.. comming soon**
Adam Driscoll: 3rd
Under 18
Jimmy Klose: 4th
Under 16:
Jimmy Klose:1st
Lars Tambeaux: 4th
Tommy Klose: 7th
Holden Rohr: 9th
Avy Rohr: 11th
Elite Masters:
Keith Rohr: 38th

Special Report from Alex 2nd place finisher in 3/4 race:
2008 DCCX - Day started off with a cold brisk morning and a tough race for Pat. Adam and Pat ran a 5k the day before and placed 1st and 3rd respectively. Pat was doing well in 4th or 5th then had a chain issue on one of the last laps and lost alot of time. Bikes and that guy just don't get along lately, but i'm sure his luck will change. Next up was David Tambeaux and Steve Klose both doing well in their races. After that was Adam and I in the 3/4 b race, and we finished 2nd and 3rd respectively. During the race there was a break of 4 front runners including Adam and I. In the middle of the race the 1st guy went down hard going around a turn. The 2nd guy Adam slammed right into him and the downed riders tire blew up and then the winner of the race squeezed by untouched. I then ran into Adam who was all over the trail by this point and lost about 5 seconds on the winner. I was working on catching the leader and doing my best up until I crashed into a lapped rider. My knee hit hard on the back of his bike and I lost another 5 seconds. Over all my race was good until this point but since i've started racing cross i've learned perfection is not something easily found. After finishing I learned Adam had a back tire slow leak. Could not have asked for a better day weather and course wise.
Great job guys!!!! Happy Birthday Tommy. You all are kicking butt.
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