Mileage: 102
Funds Raised:
(Donate Here)
$12,104.62 for Kupenda
Donation thanks to Jaime Lee Cocca
$20,000 is the goal for Kupenda. That is the amount needed to build a boarding facility so that 30+ children, who have disabilities, will get to go to school!!! It is a chance to really make a difference in a lot of people's lives!!!
$9,186.00 for ADA
Donation thanks to Jamie Lee Cocca, and Barb and Joe Lacey
Battling diabetes is something that is close to our hearts since Adam has Type I Diabetes. AFC's mission at it's core is to raise awareness, show other diabetics that anything is possible, and to do anything to combat diabetes!
Today was supposed to be 130 or more miles. At the BBQ the night before we talked to some people and they told us that it should only be around 85 miles to St. Louis. So we looked at our maps and we saw that we could take a 'short cut' to save some mileage! At this point in out trip we just want to get there the fastest way possible :)
We still woke up early at 4:30am to try to avoid as much of the heat as possible.

Look at those toesies!)

4,500 or so miles and only 1 flat tire!
He is incredible!)
Our 'short cut' was quite short, we made it there in 95 miles, but we ended up going on some major highways to do it. Although they had sholders the last 20 or so miles were quite stressful.
We were super happy to make it to our destination at Jamie and Lynn's house in St. Louis. They even made us steaks for dinner!!!! It was one of the best dinners we have had yet.
Tonight we are going to get our karaoke for this state. We have been in Missouri a lot but we have never done yokey here yet! Tonight we have to get it done. We can't go this far and give up now.
Ah naan trop mortel le sticker: I love Nauvoo !! trop stylé les garcons ! Comment vous vous la pétez ! Alors Andy t'arrives a mettre combien de meufs dans ton bus ?? Ca je croit que ca va etre cut du film !! Alors vous courez quand meme par 106 degres ? Ici c fini la canicule !
Peace Brothas
Happy B-day to me !!
au fait canicule c ecrit ??
hein ?? hein ?? c ecrit hein ???
Hey, how come Jesse was changing that flat?
Isn't that what SUPPORT DRIVERS are for???
;) :) ;)
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