Monday, August 14, 2006

Hazard, KY (Back in the Mountains!)

Date: 8/14/06
Mileage: 115

Funds Raised:
(Donate Here)

$12,857.62 for Kupenda
Donation thanks to Shane and Amy Pointer (our hosts in Berea, KY)
Donation thanks to Lawrence Park United Methodist Church (and GrandmomD)

$20,000 is the goal for Kupenda. That is the amount needed to build a boarding facility so that 30+ children, who have disabilities, will get to go to school!!! It is a chance to really make a difference in a lot of people's lives!!!

9,411.00 for ADA
Donation thanks to Shane and Amy Pointer (our hosts in Berea, KY)
Donation thanks to
Jonathan Gdowik
Donation thanks to Menisa Marshall
Battling diabetes is something that is close to our hearts since Adam has Type I Diabetes. AFC's mission at it's core is to raise awareness, show other diabetics that anything is possible, and to do anything to combat diabetes!

Last night we said good bye to Shane and Amy! They were such amazing hosts. I felt totally at home in their house. I am going to miss them a ton!

Well the Rockies are long gone but the Appalachians have just begun! People that we have met biking across the country have told us that the Appalachians would be much harder than the Rockies and after today I would say they are right.

The Rockies were long and sloping while these mountains are short and steep. Long and sloping is very easy! Short and steep can be brutal. Still I think that we can all agree that nothing is worse than the open flatter states. With no sun protection and no hills/mountains to keep your mind occupied.

These mountains and the amazing scenery are super amazing! It makes the day go by much faster that's for sure.

Tonight we are staying at a Church in Hazard. It is a great place to sleep! Ellen and her husband took us out to an amazing Mexican feast at a local restaurant and then took us to the grocery store to buy breakfast for tomorrow!

I can't put into words the amazing hospitality we have experienced on this trip!



Anonymous said...

An idea for next summer:
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - L'Américain Dean Karnazes, 43 ans, s'est fixé un nouveau défi: courir un marathon (soit 42,2 km) par jour pendant 50 jours consécutifs cet automne, parcourant ainsi 2.108 km au total en l'espace de sept semaines.

Ce spécialiste de la course d'endurance compte disputer ses marathons dans chacun des Etats américains, accompagné de quatre membres de sa famille.

L'homme n'est pas un novice: il a déjà parcouru 563 km d'un seul tenant, couru un marathon au Pôle Sud et traversé le désert californien dans la fournaise estivale.

Son nouveau défi, baptisé "Endurance 50" sur son site internet, débutera le 17 septembre à Saint-Charles, dans le Missouri. En tout, il participera à huit marathons officiels et à 42 autres à travers tous les Etats-Unis.

Quand on lui demande ce qui le fait courir, Karnazes, qui vit à San Francisco, répond: "Je suis tout simplement curieux de tester les limites de l'endurance chez l'homme, et je ne les ai pas encore trouvées"

Anonymous said...

Dean Karnazes, 43, has set himself a new goal: to run a marathon a day for 50 straight days this autumn, thereby covering
a total of 2,108 kilometers in 7 weeks.
This endurance specialist plans to run a marathon in each U.S. state, accompanied by four family members.
The man is no novice: He has run as far as 563 kilometers at a time, run a marathon at the South Pole and crossed the California desert in the hottest part of summer.
His latest challenge, dubbed "Endurance 50" on his web site ( will begin Sept. 17 in Saint Charles, Missouri. In all, he will run in eight official marathons and in 42 others.
Asked what makes him run, Karnazes, who lives in San Francisco, replies: "I'm just curious to test the limits of man's endurance, and so far I haven't found them."
(that sound about right, Paddy?)

Anonymous said...

Wow! I was looking at Dean K.'s web site.
Just the logistics of getting in five days from Portland to Anchorage to San Francisco to Maui to Surprise, Arizona, are mind-boggling -- without even throwing in the fact that he'll be running 26 miles in each place!
Meantime, I hope AFC will take a little time to rest and savor its accomplishment, once the guys reach Ocean City.