Saturday, June 19, 2010

Race Across America

Yesterday morning at 4:21am Adam Driscoll completed Race Across America winning 1st place! He was racing with Team Type 1 this year as an 8 man team. Their team held an average pace of just over 23mph for the entire race!

1st place!!

Here are videos of Adam and TT1 finishing the race!

All of the racers on Team Type 1 have Type 1 diabetes! Adam has been a member of Team Type 1 for a couple of years now, but since AFC has been doing RAAM he was not able to race for TT1. AFC took a break from RAAM this year so that freed Adam to race for TT1!!

Gooooo Adam!!!

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Cynthia Rose Kahn (1970-2010)

Oak Park, Michigan - Cynthia Rose Kahn died June 7 at age 39. Funeral services will be held tomorrow Thursday, June 10, 2010 at 2:30 p.m at Hebrew Memorial in Oak Park, Michigan.

The family will be sitting shiva in the home of Cynthia’s parents. Information about the service and the shiva are posted at the Hebrew Memorial website. Please note that it is not appropriate to send cut flowers for a Jewish service. It is acceptable to send a plant or send food, if you wish to send something to the family.

Cynthia is survived by her parents Rhoda and Ted Kahn, grandfather Sol Gold, brothers Jeremy (Elizabeth) Kahn, David (Leonie) Kahn and Daniel (Janet Williamson) Kahn along with many loving uncles, aunts, cousins and friends.

The family asks those who wish to further honor the memory of CYNTHIA ROSE KAHN do so by contributing to Extreme Weekend for Children with Diabetes. Per the family's request, we have established the Cynthia Kahn Memorial Fund at

Cynthia, a diabetic, twice graciously served as a camp volunteer for Adventure For the Cure's Extreme Weekend. On behalf of the entire AFC family, we shares our sympathies with family and friends in the outpouring of condolences and fond memories from postings at PH/HA MLA, TuDiabetes, Twitter and Facebook communities.

Cynthia was an active member of the Public Health/Health Administration (PH/HA), a section of the Medical Library Association (MLA) and served as the Head of Public Services for the Harriet F. Ginsberg Health Sciences Library at University of Central Florida College of Medicine. Prior to this, she served as Reference and Instruction Librarian, George Washington University Medical Center.

A tireless champion of the health field, Cynthia Kahn, MILS, MPH, AHIP earned her Master's degrees from the University of Michigan in Information and Library Science and in Public Health (Health Management and Policy). Cynthia was a Senior Member of the Academy of Health Information Professionals (AHIP). Cynthia received her bachelor's degree at the University of Eastern Michigan in French Language and Travel and Tourism.

Cynthia was also a member of the Diabetes Exercise and Sports Association (DESA), Archivists and Librarians in the History of the Health Sciences (ALHHS), Medical Library Association (MLA), Mid-Atlantic Chapter (MAC) of the Medical Library Association (MLA), and Washington Society for the History of Medicine (WSHM). She is a three-time recipient of the Grace and Harold Sewell Memorial Fund Learning Fellowship.