Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Email from Max's father

Date: 1/30/08

If you have seen the Adventures For the Cure: the Doc movie they you will remember Max who was a young diabetic that we met on our way across country. Below is an email from Max's father to PHillyK (director of the movie).


We received your DVD Monday and since then I have watched it three times. What an amazing job you have done in taking AFC's story and translating it to film. The cinematography and the editing are just awesome. Vanessa and I were truly touched about having Max's story in there, especially the interaction between Adam and Max. It brought us both to tears watching that and I think the discussion between Pat and Adam at the end of the film regarding low blood sugars and what Max went through was an excellent way to bring the seriousness of the disease home. It was pretty heavy, but necessary…I am glad it was in there. I think it is safe to say we were all blown away by it.

Max really enjoyed watching it and their adventures across the country, it has been inspiring to all of us and I hope he will hang on to this whole experience and use it to help himself through the difficult times he will face as a diabetic and start his own adventure, proving he can do anything. All of you, Pat, Jesse, Adam, Andy, and Phil, you guys have touched us so much in your story and for including us in it, we are so proud to be a part of AFC…thank you for everything.

Nick Scavuzzo

Monday, January 21, 2008

People's Choice Award!

Date: 1/21/08

At the Beloit (Wisconsin) International Film Festival the Adventures For the Cure Documentary Movie that was created by PhillyK won the People's Choice Award for best film!

(Notice the trophies in Adam's and PHillyK's hands! That is the People's Choice Award!)

(Here is the AFC crew with our friend/host Rick Barder in Beloit, Wisconsin)
Top Row: Andy Bly - Producer, PhillyK - Director, Aaron Johnson, Jesse Stump, Rick Barder, Tracey Kessler, Lauren Blair
Bottom Row: Mike Caputi, Patrick Blair, Adam Driscoll

Love Life!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

AFC Documentary Movie AD on ESPN Radio

Press play on the player below or click here to listen to it an advertisement on ESPN radio for the showing of the AFC Documentary movie in the upcoming Beliot Film Festival.

This Ad on ESPN radio comes courtsy of our friend LiteSpeed Rick who will be hosting us when we go to Beliot Wisconsin for the film festivel January 17-20! He is the mann!!!

(if it does not work try right clicking on the "click here" link and choosing "save as" to save the audio file to your computer and then listen to it on your computer's audio player)

(you may need to download Quicktime to listen to it from your browser)

Love Life!

Tuesday, January 08, 2008