Adam, Cindy (president and founder of Kupenda), and I flew from BWI airport on Tuesday (1/16/06) night. We flew to London England where we met with Andy (VP of Kupenda and Cindy's brother) and Randy (Andy and Cindy's uncle, who is a pastor at a church in Maine). From there we flew to Narobi, Kenya. After many many hours of travel we arrived in Narobi lateeee Wednesday (1/18/06) night.
We were greeted by Lenord who is the Coordinator of Kupenda in Kenya, Willy who is a good friend of Cindy, and out tour guide for the safari. We spent the night in Narobi. The next morning we headed out for a 5hr drive to Masi Mara where our safari would be. There were some ridiculous animals to be seen on the safari!! Garrifs are freggin huge!! Their legs are as tall as twice my height! We saw a couple lions too! Lions in Kenya are not known to eat people but they do cause the Massai, local Kenyan tribes, great headaches when they eat the Maasai's cattle and sheep. We also saw a 4 ton Crocodile that was named Solomon by the local tour guides.
It was HUGE! We drove around in a 4 wheel drive van. Our safari guide was constantly listening to his walkie talkie. Apparently all the tour guides communicate to each other about where the precious exotic animals are so that the customers get a good show!
It worked very well. The only animal We didn't get to see was a rhino, apparently they are extremely rare.
That night we slept in a tent in the middle of everything. A local Maasai stood guard outside

with a fire that he kept burning to ward off any animals. I saw baboons earlier in the day that were no more than 300meters from our campsite. I also saw elephant droppings extremely close to the tents. Luckily no elephants or baboons visited us that night. Needless to say I did not get much sleep.The next day we went on more safari and saw many more exotic animals. After the safari we drove all the way back to Narobi to catch a bus that would take us on a 10hr ride overnight to Gede, Kenya. Which would be our base of operations for the rest of the trip.