Date: 12/09/06
Kupenda is the other organization that we raised money for as we cycled across the country this year. We were able to raise $20,000+ for this organization. That money will go towards building a boarding facility at a school in Kenya for children who are disabled.
Andy Buaer, who is the vice president of Kupenda, makes awesome video's just like our AFC driver PhillyK. His latest video is called Breaking the Curse. Video's like this can really help to move people to action and make a difference in our world.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Speeches, Speeches, Speeches
Date: 12/7/06
Adam and I have been giving tons of motivational/informative talks lately!
On November 21st we gave a talk at Howard County Community College. Our friend Maura, who we met through our Mid Maryland Triathlon Club, teaches there and she wanted us to come to her class room to talk to the kids about managing your finances, helping others, and getting out there in the world to make a difference! We met lots of cool people there and we even found one guy who is interested in joining AFC in our future events. We suggested he go to Princeton Sports, buy a bike, start training, and keep in touch.
On November 27th we spoke at Northrop Grumman, where I work. It was a speech mainly focused on living a healthy life and combating diabetes! It is sooo good for other diabetics to see Adam being so active and doing so many cool things despite his disease. It is especially good for parents of children who have recently been diagnosed to talk to Adam. They can see that their child will never be limited by their disease and Adam can give them some excellent advice on how to manage diabetes while being active.
Last night we traveled to Frederick, MD to give a talk at the newly formed Frederick Triathlon Club. The talk mostly focused on the biking/endurance aspects of out trip and the charity work that we did for ADA and Kupenda. We met tons of new friends and hopefully we will see them all again. We hope to work with the club and they may be interested in helping us in the future! The meeting was held at Fix Frederick Bike Shop. It was one of the coolest shops we have seen yet! They had more fixies and single speed bikes than any shop I have ever been to. The owner, Stacey, was super nice and gave us free T-Shirts :). We hope to work with that shop more in the future and she might want us to return to give a talk to the fixed gear riders who frequent her store.
Love Life!
Adam and I have been giving tons of motivational/informative talks lately!
On November 21st we gave a talk at Howard County Community College. Our friend Maura, who we met through our Mid Maryland Triathlon Club, teaches there and she wanted us to come to her class room to talk to the kids about managing your finances, helping others, and getting out there in the world to make a difference! We met lots of cool people there and we even found one guy who is interested in joining AFC in our future events. We suggested he go to Princeton Sports, buy a bike, start training, and keep in touch.
On November 27th we spoke at Northrop Grumman, where I work. It was a speech mainly focused on living a healthy life and combating diabetes! It is sooo good for other diabetics to see Adam being so active and doing so many cool things despite his disease. It is especially good for parents of children who have recently been diagnosed to talk to Adam. They can see that their child will never be limited by their disease and Adam can give them some excellent advice on how to manage diabetes while being active.
Last night we traveled to Frederick, MD to give a talk at the newly formed Frederick Triathlon Club. The talk mostly focused on the biking/endurance aspects of out trip and the charity work that we did for ADA and Kupenda. We met tons of new friends and hopefully we will see them all again. We hope to work with the club and they may be interested in helping us in the future! The meeting was held at Fix Frederick Bike Shop. It was one of the coolest shops we have seen yet! They had more fixies and single speed bikes than any shop I have ever been to. The owner, Stacey, was super nice and gave us free T-Shirts :). We hope to work with that shop more in the future and she might want us to return to give a talk to the fixed gear riders who frequent her store.
Love Life!
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Talk at Adam's work!
Date: 11/01
We gave a speech at a meeting at Adam's work this past Monday. It was a Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) meeting. The CFC is a great organization withing the government that works with tons and tons of charity/non-profit organizations contributing funds to all of them!

We showed our AFC-Kupenda video and we talked about how awesome it is to give to others and how much we got back in return! It was a total success and we met lots of very nice people. They want us to come back and give some more talks!! We can't wait!
Love Life
We gave a speech at a meeting at Adam's work this past Monday. It was a Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) meeting. The CFC is a great organization withing the government that works with tons and tons of charity/non-profit organizations contributing funds to all of them!

We showed our AFC-Kupenda video and we talked about how awesome it is to give to others and how much we got back in return! It was a total success and we met lots of very nice people. They want us to come back and give some more talks!! We can't wait!
Love Life
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Monday, October 16, 2006
AFC Charity Party in South Carolina!?
Date: 10/16/2006
Or friend Grace E Lou, who goes to grad school in South Carolina, organized and held a Charity Party to help us raise money for Kupenda!! She raised $123.00!! We are so lucky to have so many supportive friends :)
In other news... Our AFC Jersey Auction is still going strong. We have had 3 people place bids for jerseys. The ending date for the auction is December 9th. Email me at to place a bid.
Love Life
Or friend Grace E Lou, who goes to grad school in South Carolina, organized and held a Charity Party to help us raise money for Kupenda!! She raised $123.00!! We are so lucky to have so many supportive friends :)
In other news... Our AFC Jersey Auction is still going strong. We have had 3 people place bids for jerseys. The ending date for the auction is December 9th. Email me at to place a bid.
Love Life
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Maryland Association of Nonprofit Organizations - Starting a Nonprofit
Date: 10/12/06
Today Adam and I went to a class given by The Maryland Association of Nonprofit Organizations. The class was on 'Starting a nonprofit organization' and it was great! We found that it won't be very hard at all to start a nonprofit and if we become members of this association they will help us and guide us through the process of becoming a nonprofit! It is even easier for us to fill out the paperwork because we don't have to worry about paying any salaries since AFC has no employees and we don't expect to make any money off this.
Being a nonprofit will enable us to get the big sponsors since we will have 501(c)(3) status and we will be able to write tax deductible receipts. Being a nonprofit also gives us a lot of credibility that what we are doing has been approved by the IRS so people who donate, that don't know us well, will be more comfortable that we are really doing a good thing and not just trying to make a profit or something :)
This will be a big step for us! We are really really excited about it! Hopefully we will be able to grow into something bigger by gaining this status! Along those lines if you have any ideas for raising funds or for making AFC even cooler or bigger we would love to have you join with us and help make a difference!!
Love Life
Today Adam and I went to a class given by The Maryland Association of Nonprofit Organizations. The class was on 'Starting a nonprofit organization' and it was great! We found that it won't be very hard at all to start a nonprofit and if we become members of this association they will help us and guide us through the process of becoming a nonprofit! It is even easier for us to fill out the paperwork because we don't have to worry about paying any salaries since AFC has no employees and we don't expect to make any money off this.
Being a nonprofit will enable us to get the big sponsors since we will have 501(c)(3) status and we will be able to write tax deductible receipts. Being a nonprofit also gives us a lot of credibility that what we are doing has been approved by the IRS so people who donate, that don't know us well, will be more comfortable that we are really doing a good thing and not just trying to make a profit or something :)
This will be a big step for us! We are really really excited about it! Hopefully we will be able to grow into something bigger by gaining this status! Along those lines if you have any ideas for raising funds or for making AFC even cooler or bigger we would love to have you join with us and help make a difference!!
Love Life
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Disabilities Awareness Expo
Date: 10/04/06
Today Adam and I attended a Disabilities Awareness Expo with Cindy Bauer (founder of Kupenda) and our friend Kate Schuit. We were there to talk about our experiences in Africa with the Children of Kupenda. It was a good opportunity for us to focus on how we want to help those kids :)
(Adam is on the left, Cindy, and me...
with all of our poster boards and a laptop showing the Kupenda Video)
Today Adam and I attended a Disabilities Awareness Expo with Cindy Bauer (founder of Kupenda) and our friend Kate Schuit. We were there to talk about our experiences in Africa with the Children of Kupenda. It was a good opportunity for us to focus on how we want to help those kids :)

with all of our poster boards and a laptop showing the Kupenda Video)
Monday, October 02, 2006
The New Pump!!
The new pump arrived on Wednesday with the REAL-Time Continuous Glucose Monitoring Starter Kit. I got the training from Kim Loman on Thursday and started the pump with the sensors!!! Thank you Medtronic Minimed for this pump. It was my dream when we started the trip to have this pump and now I am living it!
This kit is amazing! It caught my first low over the weekend when I was sleeping. I woke up to the alarm and was able to eat some food:)! when I get back on my bike for long bike rides its going to be so awesome to have this pump:)
Some really great things about the sensor with the pump:
1) Able to get good readings on your basal rates which in turn will lead to better overall glucose readings.
2) Catches low sugars before it gets critical
3) Dont have to worry about low sugars while sleeping(my alarm is set to warn me when sugar gets to 60)
4) If your sugar is on its way up or down it will show you an up or down arrow next to your glucose level.
Some negatives:
1) short 5-10 minute delay on glucose readings.
2) Still have to test sugar twice a day.
If anyone has any other questions about the pump you can contact me at
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
AFC Trailer
Date: 9/26/06
Here is the trailer for the AFC Documentary that PhillyK put together!!
Here is the trailer for the AFC Documentary that PhillyK put together!!
Howard Co. Type 1 Support Group Meeting
Date: 9/26/06
Last night Adam, Jesse, and I gave a speech at the first meeting of the Howard County Type 1 Support Group. The group is for children with type 1 diabetes and their parents. It was so good for those parents to see how much Adam has accomplished and that having diabetes has only brought good things to his life. They can see how happy and uninhibited his life is and know that their kids can do everything he can. They don't have to be limited because they have diabetes!!
If you would like to know more about the Howard County Type 1 Support Group you can email Paula Bisacre at
I also want to thank Heather and weekly for comming to the meeting with us last night to support us and help us setup for the talk :)
Last night Adam, Jesse, and I gave a speech at the first meeting of the Howard County Type 1 Support Group. The group is for children with type 1 diabetes and their parents. It was so good for those parents to see how much Adam has accomplished and that having diabetes has only brought good things to his life. They can see how happy and uninhibited his life is and know that their kids can do everything he can. They don't have to be limited because they have diabetes!!
If you would like to know more about the Howard County Type 1 Support Group you can email Paula Bisacre at
I also want to thank Heather and weekly for comming to the meeting with us last night to support us and help us setup for the talk :)
Friday, September 22, 2006
AFC Documentary - Greg Lemond
Date: 9/22/06
This morning Adam and I met with Shawn McIntosh, who is our good friend who works at the Baltimore Chapter of ADA. She told us the Greg Lemond is now on board with ADA as an official represenative and that she has been tasked to come up with a 'Wish List' of things that she could use his star power for. One of the top five things on her list is to have Greg Lemond do a voice over, narrarate, or be a part of our documentary in any way possible. This would be hugeeeee!!
For those of you who don't know Greg Lemond is one of the greatest cyclists of all time, right up there with Lance Armstrong. Here is his official website. He also has his own brand of bikes. Actually, my first road bike ever was a Lemond!!
This morning Adam and I met with Shawn McIntosh, who is our good friend who works at the Baltimore Chapter of ADA. She told us the Greg Lemond is now on board with ADA as an official represenative and that she has been tasked to come up with a 'Wish List' of things that she could use his star power for. One of the top five things on her list is to have Greg Lemond do a voice over, narrarate, or be a part of our documentary in any way possible. This would be hugeeeee!!
For those of you who don't know Greg Lemond is one of the greatest cyclists of all time, right up there with Lance Armstrong. Here is his official website. He also has his own brand of bikes. Actually, my first road bike ever was a Lemond!!
Friday, September 15, 2006
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Silent Auction - AFC Jerseys
Date: 9/12/06
Funds Raised:
(Donate Here)
$20,00.00 for Kupenda (Wednesday night we will have exact numbers)
Donation from Richard Kirkley
$20,000 is the goal for Kupenda. That is the amount needed to build a boarding facility so that 30+ children, who have disabilities, will get to go to school!!! It is a chance to really make a difference in a lot of people's lives!!!
$10,150.00 for American Diabetes Association
Donation from Joshua Kulp
Battling diabetes is something that is close to our hearts since Adam has Type I Diabetes. AFC's mission at it's core is to raise awareness, show other diabetics that anything is possible, and to do anything to combat diabetes!
At the Mid Maryland Triathlon Club meeting last night we decided that we will be holding a silent auction for our spare AFC Jerseys.
So here is the deal:
1. They are used jerseys. We traveled through the country with 2 jerseys each for the bikers and 1 jersey each for the drivers. The biker's jerseys have been through a lot but they are in excellent condition thanks to my MomMom who sewed them and washed them to almost as white as new :)
2. Sizes: 3 Large and 1 Medium
3. This will be a silent auction so if you are interested in winning one of these jerseys you have to send me an email at Tell me what size you want and how much money you will donate to Kupenda and/or ADA for the jersey. The people with the highest bids will win.
4. The auction ends on December 9th, which happens to be the day of the Mid Maryland Triathlon Club's holiday party. Note: You do not have to be a member of MMTC or be present at the party to win. If you live far away we will mail you your jersey :)
Thanks for playing!
Funds Raised:
(Donate Here)
$20,00.00 for Kupenda (Wednesday night we will have exact numbers)
Donation from Richard Kirkley
$20,000 is the goal for Kupenda. That is the amount needed to build a boarding facility so that 30+ children, who have disabilities, will get to go to school!!! It is a chance to really make a difference in a lot of people's lives!!!
$10,150.00 for American Diabetes Association
Donation from Joshua Kulp
Battling diabetes is something that is close to our hearts since Adam has Type I Diabetes. AFC's mission at it's core is to raise awareness, show other diabetics that anything is possible, and to do anything to combat diabetes!
At the Mid Maryland Triathlon Club meeting last night we decided that we will be holding a silent auction for our spare AFC Jerseys.
So here is the deal:
1. They are used jerseys. We traveled through the country with 2 jerseys each for the bikers and 1 jersey each for the drivers. The biker's jerseys have been through a lot but they are in excellent condition thanks to my MomMom who sewed them and washed them to almost as white as new :)
2. Sizes: 3 Large and 1 Medium
3. This will be a silent auction so if you are interested in winning one of these jerseys you have to send me an email at Tell me what size you want and how much money you will donate to Kupenda and/or ADA for the jersey. The people with the highest bids will win.
4. The auction ends on December 9th, which happens to be the day of the Mid Maryland Triathlon Club's holiday party. Note: You do not have to be a member of MMTC or be present at the party to win. If you live far away we will mail you your jersey :)
Thanks for playing!
AFC Talks at Mid Maryland Triathlon Club
Date: 9/12/06
Funds Raised:
(Donate Here)
$20,00.00 for Kupenda (Wednesday night we will have exact numbers)
Donation from Dave Chaffee (hugeee donation! thanks so much)
Donation from Mid Maryland Triathlon Club
$20,000 is the goal for Kupenda. That is the amount needed to build a boarding facility so that 30+ children, who have disabilities, will get to go to school!!! It is a chance to really make a difference in a lot of people's lives!!!
$10,150.00 for
Battling diabetes is something that is close to our hearts since Adam has Type I Diabetes. AFC's mission at it's core is to raise awareness, show other diabetics that anything is possible, and to do anything to combat diabetes!
Last night we gave a talk at our Mid Maryland Triathlon Club!. I love this club! They have supported us so much on the trip. Like everyone on that club is just amazing! I love those people :)
We were even able to show a trailer for our Documentary that PhillyK is working on. I hope to have the trailer on this site ASAP, so that everyone can see it!
Also!!! Thanks to some final donations we got yesterday we have succeeded in hitting our goal of $20,000.00 for Kupenda!!! We will have the exact amount counted on Wednesday night when we meet with Cindy Bauer, president of Kupenda.
Funds Raised:
(Donate Here)
$20,00.00 for Kupenda (Wednesday night we will have exact numbers)
Donation from Dave Chaffee (hugeee donation! thanks so much)
Donation from Mid Maryland Triathlon Club
$20,000 is the goal for Kupenda. That is the amount needed to build a boarding facility so that 30+ children, who have disabilities, will get to go to school!!! It is a chance to really make a difference in a lot of people's lives!!!
$10,150.00 for
Battling diabetes is something that is close to our hearts since Adam has Type I Diabetes. AFC's mission at it's core is to raise awareness, show other diabetics that anything is possible, and to do anything to combat diabetes!
Last night we gave a talk at our Mid Maryland Triathlon Club!. I love this club! They have supported us so much on the trip. Like everyone on that club is just amazing! I love those people :)
We were even able to show a trailer for our Documentary that PhillyK is working on. I hope to have the trailer on this site ASAP, so that everyone can see it!
Also!!! Thanks to some final donations we got yesterday we have succeeded in hitting our goal of $20,000.00 for Kupenda!!! We will have the exact amount counted on Wednesday night when we meet with Cindy Bauer, president of Kupenda.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Mid Maryland Triathlon Club
Date: 9/10/06
Mileage: 0!! 0!! 0!! our ride is over :)
Funds Raised:
(Donate Here)
$17,650.00 for Kupenda (estimated total... waiting for the exact numbers)
Donation from my Aunt Pat
$20,000 is the goal for Kupenda. That is the amount needed to build a boarding facility so that 30+ children, who have disabilities, will get to go to school!!! It is a chance to really make a difference in a lot of people's lives!!!
$10,150.00 for
Battling diabetes is something that is close to our hearts since Adam has Type I Diabetes. AFC's mission at it's core is to raise awareness, show other diabetics that anything is possible, and to do anything to combat diabetes!
Tomorrow night (Monday 9/11) we are giving a talk about our adventure, lessons learned, and future plans of AFC at our monthly triathlon meeting held by the Mid Maryland Triathlon Club!! Our club has been extremely supportive of our entire trip. They sent us care packages, came to our fun fundraising events, and helped us with words and prayers of encouragement. They are amazing! We cannot wait to hang out with all our friends there tomorrow night
The meeting will be at Princeton Sports in Columbia MD starting at 8:15pm.
Also, PhillyK put together a trailer of the documentary of our trip that we will be showing at the meeting!
Mileage: 0!! 0!! 0!! our ride is over :)
Funds Raised:
(Donate Here)
$17,650.00 for Kupenda (estimated total... waiting for the exact numbers)
Donation from my Aunt Pat
$20,000 is the goal for Kupenda. That is the amount needed to build a boarding facility so that 30+ children, who have disabilities, will get to go to school!!! It is a chance to really make a difference in a lot of people's lives!!!
$10,150.00 for
Battling diabetes is something that is close to our hearts since Adam has Type I Diabetes. AFC's mission at it's core is to raise awareness, show other diabetics that anything is possible, and to do anything to combat diabetes!
Tomorrow night (Monday 9/11) we are giving a talk about our adventure, lessons learned, and future plans of AFC at our monthly triathlon meeting held by the Mid Maryland Triathlon Club!! Our club has been extremely supportive of our entire trip. They sent us care packages, came to our fun fundraising events, and helped us with words and prayers of encouragement. They are amazing! We cannot wait to hang out with all our friends there tomorrow night
The meeting will be at Princeton Sports in Columbia MD starting at 8:15pm.
Also, PhillyK put together a trailer of the documentary of our trip that we will be showing at the meeting!
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
AFC Final Ride!!!
Date: 9/3/06
Mileage: 30
Funds Raised:
(Donate Here)
$17,600.00 for Kupenda (estimated total... waiting for the exact numbers)
Donation from Mr. and Mrs. Matthews
Donation from Tara Witmer
Donation from GregShenanigans (owner of Shenanigans)
Donation from Jeanie
Donations from tons of others who supported us at Ocean City
$20,000 is the goal for Kupenda. That is the amount needed to build a boarding facility so that 30+ children, who have disabilities, will get to go to school!!! It is a chance to really make a difference in a lot of people's lives!!!
$10,150.00 for
Donations from tons of people who supported us at Ocean City
Battling diabetes is something that is close to our hearts since Adam has Type I Diabetes. AFC's mission at it's core is to raise awareness, show other diabetics that anything is possible, and to do anything to combat diabetes!
The day of the AFC finishing ride!!!
(Special thanks to
Alyssa (on the left in black) and
HardCoreAndy (on the right)
They were both extremely helpful in getting tons of PR for AFC)
At 9:00am we met in Berlin (which is about 7 miles outside of Ocean City) with about 60 or so of our close friends and family for the final AFC Finishing Ride. Heather, Weezal, and Cindy did so much work to get this whole ride together and we really appreciated it! Carly, DeeDee, Lauren, Laura, Lance, Val, Annie, MommaD, PapaD and Janine also deserve a big thanks for waking up super early that morning to help with the setup and registration for the event.
We gave out our Final Ride T-Shirts, DrinkMoreWater provided the bottled water, and Dunkin Donuts provided some bagels!
Before the ride began we had a short ceremony and talk. We had some amazing surprises!! Jim Cangialosi and Kim Loman from MiniMed were there and they brought with them the new MiniMed Paradigm which is their new 'Realtime Insulin Pump and Glucose Monitoring System'. It is an amazing devise which reads your blood sugar levels once every 5 seconds! This is amazing! It will change the lives of all diabetics.
(Jim and Kim with Adam after bringing the new insulin pump)
(Tess and Adam getting ready for the AFC Final Ride)
Tess, the type 1 diabetic who road with Adam in Iowa for a 40 mile day, was also there and she was the one who made a surprise appearance to present the new pump to Adam at the ceremony! Her whole family drove all the way from Georgia just to come to the ride and hang out with us! She rode on a tandem with Adam for the last 30 miles of our ride.
After the ride we all went to lunch and then took a break on the beach. Adam also took some time out of the day to fulfill his promise to MamaD that he would finally shave his beard!!
The final party was at Shenanigan's Irish Pub. We sold some T-Shirts, ADA wrist bands, gave two speeches for everyone at the bar in the middle of songs from the Irish Band that was playing that night, and just had a great time! We cannot thank Sheningans and it's owner, Greg, enough for all they have done for us.
(Hanging out at Shenanigans with Tara, Lauren,
GorgeousMegan (my sister), Weezal, OldmanFil, and Keith)
Side Note:
Shenanigan's has the best beer I have ever had. I once asked Greg 'why is your beer so much better than everyone else's?' he told me it had something to do with the way he keeps the beer fresh and rotating the kegs or something. Whatever the reason, the point of the story is that before AFC ever got started Adam and I went to Shenanigan's and had two of the best Boddington's Beers we have ever had (it was the beginning of summer 2005). Later that summer we decided that we would bike from Catonsville to Ocean City to have a beer and then bike back the next day (320 miles total). All for a beer. We thought about it and we decided that since 320 miles was such an extremely far distance for a 2 day bike ride we might be able to get people to sponsor us and donate to American Diabetes Association because of our efforts!
So... The moral of the story... If not for amazing Shenanigan's and their amazing owner Greg and their amazing beer... AFC would not exist :)

Mileage: 30
Funds Raised:
(Donate Here)
$17,600.00 for Kupenda (estimated total... waiting for the exact numbers)
Donation from Mr. and Mrs. Matthews
Donation from Tara Witmer
Donation from GregShenanigans (owner of Shenanigans)
Donation from Jeanie
Donations from tons of others who supported us at Ocean City
$20,000 is the goal for Kupenda. That is the amount needed to build a boarding facility so that 30+ children, who have disabilities, will get to go to school!!! It is a chance to really make a difference in a lot of people's lives!!!
$10,150.00 for
Donations from tons of people who supported us at Ocean City
Battling diabetes is something that is close to our hearts since Adam has Type I Diabetes. AFC's mission at it's core is to raise awareness, show other diabetics that anything is possible, and to do anything to combat diabetes!
The day of the AFC finishing ride!!!

Alyssa (on the left in black) and
HardCoreAndy (on the right)
They were both extremely helpful in getting tons of PR for AFC)
At 9:00am we met in Berlin (which is about 7 miles outside of Ocean City) with about 60 or so of our close friends and family for the final AFC Finishing Ride. Heather, Weezal, and Cindy did so much work to get this whole ride together and we really appreciated it! Carly, DeeDee, Lauren, Laura, Lance, Val, Annie, MommaD, PapaD and Janine also deserve a big thanks for waking up super early that morning to help with the setup and registration for the event.
We gave out our Final Ride T-Shirts, DrinkMoreWater provided the bottled water, and Dunkin Donuts provided some bagels!
Before the ride began we had a short ceremony and talk. We had some amazing surprises!! Jim Cangialosi and Kim Loman from MiniMed were there and they brought with them the new MiniMed Paradigm which is their new 'Realtime Insulin Pump and Glucose Monitoring System'. It is an amazing devise which reads your blood sugar levels once every 5 seconds! This is amazing! It will change the lives of all diabetics.

Tess, the type 1 diabetic who road with Adam in Iowa for a 40 mile day, was also there and she was the one who made a surprise appearance to present the new pump to Adam at the ceremony! Her whole family drove all the way from Georgia just to come to the ride and hang out with us! She rode on a tandem with Adam for the last 30 miles of our ride.
After the ride we all went to lunch and then took a break on the beach. Adam also took some time out of the day to fulfill his promise to MamaD that he would finally shave his beard!!
The final party was at Shenanigan's Irish Pub. We sold some T-Shirts, ADA wrist bands, gave two speeches for everyone at the bar in the middle of songs from the Irish Band that was playing that night, and just had a great time! We cannot thank Sheningans and it's owner, Greg, enough for all they have done for us.

GorgeousMegan (my sister), Weezal, OldmanFil, and Keith)
Side Note:
Shenanigan's has the best beer I have ever had. I once asked Greg 'why is your beer so much better than everyone else's?' he told me it had something to do with the way he keeps the beer fresh and rotating the kegs or something. Whatever the reason, the point of the story is that before AFC ever got started Adam and I went to Shenanigan's and had two of the best Boddington's Beers we have ever had (it was the beginning of summer 2005). Later that summer we decided that we would bike from Catonsville to Ocean City to have a beer and then bike back the next day (320 miles total). All for a beer. We thought about it and we decided that since 320 miles was such an extremely far distance for a 2 day bike ride we might be able to get people to sponsor us and donate to American Diabetes Association because of our efforts!
So... The moral of the story... If not for amazing Shenanigan's and their amazing owner Greg and their amazing beer... AFC would not exist :)

AFC Goes To Ocean City!
Date: 9/2/06
Mileage: 60
Funds Raised:
(Donate Here)
$16,600.00 for Kupenda (estimated total... waiting for the exact numbers)
$20,000 is the goal for Kupenda. That is the amount needed to build a boarding facility so that 30+ children, who have disabilities, will get to go to school!!! It is a chance to really make a difference in a lot of people's lives!!!
$10,150.00 for
Donation thanks to Rusty Allwein Donation thanks to Karen Moy
Battling diabetes is something that is close to our hearts since Adam has Type I Diabetes. AFC's mission at it's core is to raise awareness, show other diabetics that anything is possible, and to do anything to combat diabetes!
Oh yes!!!
The final day of packing up the car, getting on the bikes in the rain, heat, cold, wind, hurricanes! The final day on the road away from all our friends and family.
We stayed at the Matthew's house in Cambridge the night before. Mr. and Mrs. Matthews were incredible hosts! They hosted me last year on the night before my UltraDistance Triathlon (which took place in Cambridge). We were discussing with Mr. Matthews our future plans for AFC, which include the possibility of becomming a non-profit organization. He was very intrested in helping us achieve that goal! Who knows where that will take AFC!
(Mr. and Mrs. Matthews are on the left...
Mike Z is wearing the yellow jersey...
Jason DrinkMoreWater is on the right in black)
We found the Matthews through thier son Jason, who works for DrinkMoreWater (a sponsor of AFC). He was going to go biking with us into Ocean City but the bad weather kept him away. He has to be extra careful not to get sick because he is getting MARRIED very very soon!! CONGRATS JASON!
The hurricane had pretty much passed entirely, the weather was a million times better than yesterday. Mike Z and Adam's brother Alex (Adam's brother) both joined us heading out from Cambridge! I was extremely happy because both Mike Z and Alex (aka baby sugar) were riding fixed gear bikes! That made 5 fixies total! Soooo happy!
(There he is...
Good Looking Alex Driscoll)
(Fixies on the road..
Notice it was cold enough to wear jackets)
At lunch Alex switched with Mike Caputi (our roomate also know as Weezal) so that Alex drove their car and Weezal biked into Ocean City with us.
Seeing that Ocean City sign brought us total unrestrained joy!!! wweeeeeeeeeeeeee!
We finally arrived at Shenanigan's Irish Pub where the owner, Greg, had 2 hotel rooms waiting for us.
Mileage: 60
Funds Raised:
(Donate Here)
$16,600.00 for Kupenda (estimated total... waiting for the exact numbers)
$20,000 is the goal for Kupenda. That is the amount needed to build a boarding facility so that 30+ children, who have disabilities, will get to go to school!!! It is a chance to really make a difference in a lot of people's lives!!!
$10,150.00 for
Donation thanks to Rusty Allwein Donation thanks to Karen Moy
Battling diabetes is something that is close to our hearts since Adam has Type I Diabetes. AFC's mission at it's core is to raise awareness, show other diabetics that anything is possible, and to do anything to combat diabetes!
Oh yes!!!
The final day of packing up the car, getting on the bikes in the rain, heat, cold, wind, hurricanes! The final day on the road away from all our friends and family.
We stayed at the Matthew's house in Cambridge the night before. Mr. and Mrs. Matthews were incredible hosts! They hosted me last year on the night before my UltraDistance Triathlon (which took place in Cambridge). We were discussing with Mr. Matthews our future plans for AFC, which include the possibility of becomming a non-profit organization. He was very intrested in helping us achieve that goal! Who knows where that will take AFC!

Mike Z is wearing the yellow jersey...
Jason DrinkMoreWater is on the right in black)
We found the Matthews through thier son Jason, who works for DrinkMoreWater (a sponsor of AFC). He was going to go biking with us into Ocean City but the bad weather kept him away. He has to be extra careful not to get sick because he is getting MARRIED very very soon!! CONGRATS JASON!
The hurricane had pretty much passed entirely, the weather was a million times better than yesterday. Mike Z and Adam's brother Alex (Adam's brother) both joined us heading out from Cambridge! I was extremely happy because both Mike Z and Alex (aka baby sugar) were riding fixed gear bikes! That made 5 fixies total! Soooo happy!

Good Looking Alex Driscoll)

Notice it was cold enough to wear jackets)
At lunch Alex switched with Mike Caputi (our roomate also know as Weezal) so that Alex drove their car and Weezal biked into Ocean City with us.
Seeing that Ocean City sign brought us total unrestrained joy!!! wweeeeeeeeeeeeee!
We finally arrived at Shenanigan's Irish Pub where the owner, Greg, had 2 hotel rooms waiting for us.
Friday, September 01, 2006
Cambridge, MD!! (only 1 day left!!)
Date: 9/1/06
Mileage: 85
Funds Raised:
(Donate Here)
$15,834.00 for Kupenda
$20,000 is the goal for Kupenda. That is the amount needed to build a boarding facility so that 30+ children, who have disabilities, will get to go to school!!! It is a chance to really make a difference in a lot of people's lives!!!
$9,622.00 for
Donation thanks to Margherita Angelini
Battling diabetes is something that is close to our hearts since Adam has Type I Diabetes. AFC's mission at it's core is to raise awareness, show other diabetics that anything is possible, and to do anything to combat diabetes!
Today we woke up in our own beds in Catonsville! It was so fun hanging out with all of our friends last night. I could not stop smiling the whole time we were hanging out. Every Thursday night all of our friends get together for House Church (like a Bible study) and it worked out perfectly that we were in town on a Thursday!
We left our house at 9:30am. Mike Z (a good friend from 'The Morning Ride' which is a bike club/group in our area) biked with us all the way to Cambridge and he will be biking with us tomorrow all the way to Ocean City! Even better! He bike the whole thing on a fixie!!!!! So happy about that :)
On our way to Cambridge we all visited my MomMom's house! My parents and sister were all there and we had an amazing brunch feast! My sister made the most amazing pudding ever (even as good as Heather's banana pudding.. and she makes incredible banana pudding). It was great to see my family after not seeing them for 3.5 months! I really missed them.
After we biked over the Bay Bridge Hurricane Ernesto really started to kick in! The winds were measured at 21 mph with 30 mph gusts. Luckily there was a lot of miles that we had the wind at our backs so it was not extremely bad. It was still very stressful to bike in such conditions.
We were greated with a super warm welcome at the Matthews house in Cambridge MD. Jason Matthews and his parents live here. Jason is responsible for our DrinkMoreWater sponsorship. His family also let me stay at their house on the night before my UltraDistance Triathlon that I did last year! They cooked us a huge dinner which we really needed after a hard day of biking.
Tomorrow we bike to Ocean City!!! The trip is almost over!!!
Mileage: 85
Funds Raised:
(Donate Here)
$15,834.00 for Kupenda
$20,000 is the goal for Kupenda. That is the amount needed to build a boarding facility so that 30+ children, who have disabilities, will get to go to school!!! It is a chance to really make a difference in a lot of people's lives!!!
$9,622.00 for
Donation thanks to Margherita Angelini
Battling diabetes is something that is close to our hearts since Adam has Type I Diabetes. AFC's mission at it's core is to raise awareness, show other diabetics that anything is possible, and to do anything to combat diabetes!
Today we woke up in our own beds in Catonsville! It was so fun hanging out with all of our friends last night. I could not stop smiling the whole time we were hanging out. Every Thursday night all of our friends get together for House Church (like a Bible study) and it worked out perfectly that we were in town on a Thursday!
We left our house at 9:30am. Mike Z (a good friend from 'The Morning Ride' which is a bike club/group in our area) biked with us all the way to Cambridge and he will be biking with us tomorrow all the way to Ocean City! Even better! He bike the whole thing on a fixie!!!!! So happy about that :)
On our way to Cambridge we all visited my MomMom's house! My parents and sister were all there and we had an amazing brunch feast! My sister made the most amazing pudding ever (even as good as Heather's banana pudding.. and she makes incredible banana pudding). It was great to see my family after not seeing them for 3.5 months! I really missed them.
After we biked over the Bay Bridge Hurricane Ernesto really started to kick in! The winds were measured at 21 mph with 30 mph gusts. Luckily there was a lot of miles that we had the wind at our backs so it was not extremely bad. It was still very stressful to bike in such conditions.
We were greated with a super warm welcome at the Matthews house in Cambridge MD. Jason Matthews and his parents live here. Jason is responsible for our DrinkMoreWater sponsorship. His family also let me stay at their house on the night before my UltraDistance Triathlon that I did last year! They cooked us a huge dinner which we really needed after a hard day of biking.
Tomorrow we bike to Ocean City!!! The trip is almost over!!!
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Visit to Sinai Hospital!
Date: 8/31/06
Mileage: 31
Funds Raised:
(Donate Here)
$15,834.00 for Kupenda
Donation thanks to Mike Z
Donation thanks to Mr and Mrs Kebea
Donation thanks to Maura
$20,000 is the goal for Kupenda. That is the amount needed to build a boarding facility so that 30+ children, who have disabilities, will get to go to school!!! It is a chance to really make a difference in a lot of people's lives!!!
$9,622.00 for ADA
Donation thanks to Mr. and Mrs Carola
Battling diabetes is something that is close to our hearts since Adam has Type I Diabetes. AFC's mission at it's core is to raise awareness, show other diabetics that anything is possible, and to do anything to combat diabetes!
Today we made an amazing visit to the Pediatric Department at Sinai Hospital. Thanks to the efforts of Kristin Mylot, who works there, we were able to visit with all of the children who are there for surgeries, sicknesses, and diabetes.
It was probably the best stop yet on our trip! Hanging out with those kids who were there and telling them about our adventures and trying to lighten up their stay in the hospital was absolutely amazing! I could have stayed there all day long.

Apparently they have been following our trip the entire summer. Kristen setup a bulletin board tracking our progress with pictures and funny comments of us on the road.
Mileage: 31
Funds Raised:
(Donate Here)
$15,834.00 for Kupenda
Donation thanks to Mike Z
Donation thanks to Mr and Mrs Kebea
Donation thanks to Maura
$20,000 is the goal for Kupenda. That is the amount needed to build a boarding facility so that 30+ children, who have disabilities, will get to go to school!!! It is a chance to really make a difference in a lot of people's lives!!!
$9,622.00 for ADA
Donation thanks to Mr. and Mrs Carola
Battling diabetes is something that is close to our hearts since Adam has Type I Diabetes. AFC's mission at it's core is to raise awareness, show other diabetics that anything is possible, and to do anything to combat diabetes!
Today we made an amazing visit to the Pediatric Department at Sinai Hospital. Thanks to the efforts of Kristin Mylot, who works there, we were able to visit with all of the children who are there for surgeries, sicknesses, and diabetes.
It was probably the best stop yet on our trip! Hanging out with those kids who were there and telling them about our adventures and trying to lighten up their stay in the hospital was absolutely amazing! I could have stayed there all day long.

Apparently they have been following our trip the entire summer. Kristen setup a bulletin board tracking our progress with pictures and funny comments of us on the road.
Towson, MD (Yay for friends!)
Date: 8/31/06
Mileage: 31
Funds Raised:
(Donate Here)
$15,634.00 for Kupenda
Donation thanks to Bob and Sadj (From our triathlon club!!)
Donation thanks to Kathleen Kweeder
Donation thanks to Rachel Chang
$20,000 is the goal for Kupenda. That is the amount needed to build a boarding facility so that 30+ children, who have disabilities, will get to go to school!!! It is a chance to really make a difference in a lot of people's lives!!!
$9,622.00 for ADA
Battling diabetes is something that is close to our hearts since Adam has Type I Diabetes. AFC's mission at it's core is to raise awareness, show other diabetics that anything is possible, and to do anything to combat diabetes!
We had a very short bike ride from DC to Towson MD! It was soooo fun because our friends Maura, Laurie, Chip, and Ben all joined us! We were extremely happy to have some other people to bike with. They biked with us from DC to Ellicot City where Maura lives. She made us all a huge lunch and we got to hang out at her house for a while. We know Maura, Laurie, and Chip from our triathlon club and Ben heard about us on the Surly Blog.
After an amazing lunch we said good bye to everyone and we headed to Towson. In Towson we met with Melissa Emery (also from our triathlon club). She let us stay at her extra house (that she is trying to sell). It is a super nice house and the frige is stocked full of left overs from the last triathlon race!! Sooo many treats :)
Melissa took us all out to a Thai resturant for dinner! I love Thai food!!!
We then headed to Downtown Baltimore to do karaoke. We had originally planned on doing Karaoke at the Hard Rock Cafe but they canceled their yokey because it was an outside venue and there was a 'chance' of rain. We scrambled to find another yokey bar. We were lucky to find one in Federal Hill at a place called Nevin's. We quickly called everyone we knew was comming and told them to meet us there instead. Luckily it worked out well and everyone made it to the new location! It was a great night of yokey!
It is official!! Every state that AFC visited we were able to get our yokey on!
States visited: 14
States yokeyed: 14
Mileage: 31
Funds Raised:
(Donate Here)
$15,634.00 for Kupenda
Donation thanks to Bob and Sadj (From our triathlon club!!)
Donation thanks to Kathleen Kweeder
Donation thanks to Rachel Chang
$20,000 is the goal for Kupenda. That is the amount needed to build a boarding facility so that 30+ children, who have disabilities, will get to go to school!!! It is a chance to really make a difference in a lot of people's lives!!!
$9,622.00 for ADA
Battling diabetes is something that is close to our hearts since Adam has Type I Diabetes. AFC's mission at it's core is to raise awareness, show other diabetics that anything is possible, and to do anything to combat diabetes!
We had a very short bike ride from DC to Towson MD! It was soooo fun because our friends Maura, Laurie, Chip, and Ben all joined us! We were extremely happy to have some other people to bike with. They biked with us from DC to Ellicot City where Maura lives. She made us all a huge lunch and we got to hang out at her house for a while. We know Maura, Laurie, and Chip from our triathlon club and Ben heard about us on the Surly Blog.
After an amazing lunch we said good bye to everyone and we headed to Towson. In Towson we met with Melissa Emery (also from our triathlon club). She let us stay at her extra house (that she is trying to sell). It is a super nice house and the frige is stocked full of left overs from the last triathlon race!! Sooo many treats :)
Melissa took us all out to a Thai resturant for dinner! I love Thai food!!!
We then headed to Downtown Baltimore to do karaoke. We had originally planned on doing Karaoke at the Hard Rock Cafe but they canceled their yokey because it was an outside venue and there was a 'chance' of rain. We scrambled to find another yokey bar. We were lucky to find one in Federal Hill at a place called Nevin's. We quickly called everyone we knew was comming and told them to meet us there instead. Luckily it worked out well and everyone made it to the new location! It was a great night of yokey!
It is official!! Every state that AFC visited we were able to get our yokey on!
States visited: 14
States yokeyed: 14
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
AFC Danceeee Off!
So.... A very long time ago when we were biking from Kansas City, Missouri on our way to Peru, Nebraska (both of which were in the top 1o for best stops on the adventure) we had and AFC Dance Off.
The AFC Dance Off was performed on a day in which we biked 150 miles at a high of around 104 degrees.
The AFC Dance Off was done at around mile 75 (just about 1/2 way in).
If you want to see more of this amazing dancing join us in Ocean City, MD on Sunday September 3rd at 4th Street Boardwalk at the Shenanigan's Irish Pub!!!
Please leave your comments as to which of the three AFC bikers you think won the dance off. First up is Jesse, Second is Adam, Last is Patrick.
The AFC Dance Off was performed on a day in which we biked 150 miles at a high of around 104 degrees.
The AFC Dance Off was done at around mile 75 (just about 1/2 way in).
If you want to see more of this amazing dancing join us in Ocean City, MD on Sunday September 3rd at 4th Street Boardwalk at the Shenanigan's Irish Pub!!!
Please leave your comments as to which of the three AFC bikers you think won the dance off. First up is Jesse, Second is Adam, Last is Patrick.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Washington DC!
Date: 8/28/06 and 8/29/06
Mileage: 30 (on 28th), 5 (on 29th)
Funds Raised:
(Donate Here)
$15,534.00 for Kupenda
$20,000 is the goal for Kupenda. That is the amount needed to build a boarding facility so that 30+ children, who have disabilities, will get to go to school!!! It is a chance to really make a difference in a lot of people's lives!!!
$9,622.00 for ADA
Donation thanks to Diane Harrison
Donation thanks to H. Lee Braidwood
Battling diabetes is something that is close to our hearts since Adam has Type I Diabetes. AFC's mission at it's core is to raise awareness, show other diabetics that anything is possible, and to do anything to combat diabetes!
We sadly had to leave the Stump's house. We had the best weekend ever there but on Monday morning we had to go to D.C.
We biked to the D.C. metro and took that to meet up with Eastern Market where we met with Jon Towson. He works for the ADA national office and is an advid cyclist. He has supplied us with tons of ADA paraphernalia, like the red bracelets, that we have been selling at our events. It was great to meet him again!
Afterwards we went to Jase's house. We hung out there for awhile and then we went to meet up with our friend Jake Klim (a fellow runner from UMBC).
Today we went with our friend Martin Gould (who we know through our Mid Maryland Triathlon Club) to talk with Katie Drennan (who is a member of the Congressional Bike Caucus). It was great to talk with her about how Congress is actually trying to make bike commuting easier in the big cities for all of its environmental and health benefits. We also told her about all of our many many plans for the future of AFC :)
Martin Gould has by far been one of the biggest and most valuable supporters of AFC. He has helped us find tons of our places to stay on our route, he makes sure the people at home don't forget about us while we are away all summer, he has always given us great advise, and he has even helped to steer us in the right direction. We can't say enough how much we appreciate his help and friendship! We can't wait to bike with him again at our finishing ride in Ocean City, MD!
Tonight we are staying with PhillyK and AndyK's parents in DC! And we will be doing DC yokey tonight as well :) with Jase and some other friends.
Mileage: 30 (on 28th), 5 (on 29th)
Funds Raised:
(Donate Here)
$15,534.00 for Kupenda
$20,000 is the goal for Kupenda. That is the amount needed to build a boarding facility so that 30+ children, who have disabilities, will get to go to school!!! It is a chance to really make a difference in a lot of people's lives!!!
$9,622.00 for ADA
Donation thanks to Diane Harrison
Donation thanks to H. Lee Braidwood
Battling diabetes is something that is close to our hearts since Adam has Type I Diabetes. AFC's mission at it's core is to raise awareness, show other diabetics that anything is possible, and to do anything to combat diabetes!
We sadly had to leave the Stump's house. We had the best weekend ever there but on Monday morning we had to go to D.C.
We biked to the D.C. metro and took that to meet up with Eastern Market where we met with Jon Towson. He works for the ADA national office and is an advid cyclist. He has supplied us with tons of ADA paraphernalia, like the red bracelets, that we have been selling at our events. It was great to meet him again!
Afterwards we went to Jase's house. We hung out there for awhile and then we went to meet up with our friend Jake Klim (a fellow runner from UMBC).
Today we went with our friend Martin Gould (who we know through our Mid Maryland Triathlon Club) to talk with Katie Drennan (who is a member of the Congressional Bike Caucus). It was great to talk with her about how Congress is actually trying to make bike commuting easier in the big cities for all of its environmental and health benefits. We also told her about all of our many many plans for the future of AFC :)
Martin Gould has by far been one of the biggest and most valuable supporters of AFC. He has helped us find tons of our places to stay on our route, he makes sure the people at home don't forget about us while we are away all summer, he has always given us great advise, and he has even helped to steer us in the right direction. We can't say enough how much we appreciate his help and friendship! We can't wait to bike with him again at our finishing ride in Ocean City, MD!
Tonight we are staying with PhillyK and AndyK's parents in DC! And we will be doing DC yokey tonight as well :) with Jase and some other friends.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Hughesville, MD (Jesse's family is awesome!!)
Date: 8/26/06 and 8/27/06
Mileage: 60 (on 26th)
Funds Raised:
(Donate Here)
$15,534.00 for Kupenda
Donations from party in Hughesville ($464.00)
Donation thanks to Bullet!!
$20,000 is the goal for Kupenda. That is the amount needed to build a boarding facility so that 30+ children, who have disabilities, will get to go to school!!! It is a chance to really make a difference in a lot of people's lives!!!
$9,622.00 for ADA
Donations from party in Hughesville ($116.00)
Battling diabetes is something that is close to our hearts since Adam has Type I Diabetes. AFC's mission at it's core is to raise awareness, show other diabetics that anything is possible, and to do anything to combat diabetes!
Oh yea!! We are really getting down to the wire now! Soooo awesome that we are staying with all of our friends here in Hughesville.
Mrs. Stump and Aunt Dadoon have been cooking us some huge meals and feeding tons of people. They might be the best cooks on earth. Their apple pie is like nothing I have ever had before.
Thanks to DeeDee and Carly organizing an entire night of fun at the Hotel Charles we were able to raise $580.00 for Kupenda and ADA. I love Hughesville!
Tomorrow we are biking from Hughesville to DC where we will be staying with our friend Jase (Jase actually ran across the country a couple years ago! check out his website here). I guess we will be doing Karaoke in DC either tomorrow or the next day. Only 2 yokies left before we can say we karaoked in every state we biked through (we are counting DC as a state).
Mileage: 60 (on 26th)
Funds Raised:
(Donate Here)
$15,534.00 for Kupenda
Donations from party in Hughesville ($464.00)
Donation thanks to Bullet!!
$20,000 is the goal for Kupenda. That is the amount needed to build a boarding facility so that 30+ children, who have disabilities, will get to go to school!!! It is a chance to really make a difference in a lot of people's lives!!!
$9,622.00 for ADA
Donations from party in Hughesville ($116.00)
Battling diabetes is something that is close to our hearts since Adam has Type I Diabetes. AFC's mission at it's core is to raise awareness, show other diabetics that anything is possible, and to do anything to combat diabetes!
Oh yea!! We are really getting down to the wire now! Soooo awesome that we are staying with all of our friends here in Hughesville.
Mrs. Stump and Aunt Dadoon have been cooking us some huge meals and feeding tons of people. They might be the best cooks on earth. Their apple pie is like nothing I have ever had before.
Thanks to DeeDee and Carly organizing an entire night of fun at the Hotel Charles we were able to raise $580.00 for Kupenda and ADA. I love Hughesville!
Tomorrow we are biking from Hughesville to DC where we will be staying with our friend Jase (Jase actually ran across the country a couple years ago! check out his website here). I guess we will be doing Karaoke in DC either tomorrow or the next day. Only 2 yokies left before we can say we karaoked in every state we biked through (we are counting DC as a state).
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Tappahannock, VA (Last Day In VA!)
Date: 8/25/06
Mileage: 65
Funds Raised:
(Donate Here)
$14,870.00 for Kupenda
Donation thanks to Shelley's friends at bowling!
$20,000 is the goal for Kupenda. That is the amount needed to build a boarding facility so that 30+ children, who have disabilities, will get to go to school!!! It is a chance to really make a difference in a lot of people's lives!!!
$9,506.00 for ADA
Battling diabetes is something that is close to our hearts since Adam has Type I Diabetes. AFC's mission at it's core is to raise awareness, show other diabetics that anything is possible, and to do anything to combat diabetes!
Last night we went bowling in Norfolk with Shelley and some of her friends! A couple of them even donated :) It was so fun even if all of AFC is awful at bowling!
Today we had a really short/easy ride from Norfolk to Tappahannock. We just found the fastest most direct route from the two towns as possible on the map and we went for it! We can't wait until tomorrow when we are reunited with tons and tons of our friends and family in Hughesville, MD. Jesse's parents live in Hughesville and on Saturday night his cousin (DeeDee) and sister (Carly) organized a big fundraising party at a local bar. On Sunday we are having a cookout at his parents house! Ohhhh man its going to be fun!
Here is our schedule for our final week of biking:
Saturday (8/26) bike to Hughesville, MD (party at hotel charles)
Sunday (8/27) rest in Hughesville, MD (cookout at Jesse's parents house)
Monday (8/28) bike to Washington D.C. (staying with our friend Jase.. DC yokey)
Tuesday (8/29) rest in Washington D.C. (find something fun to do)
Wednesday (8/30) bike to Towson, MD (staying with Melissa... find karaoke for MD)
Thursday (8/31) rest in Towson, MD (give a talk at a hospital... other stuff)
Friday (9/1) bike to Cambridge, MD (stay with JasonDrinkMoreWater)
Saturday (9/2) bike to Ocean City, MD (stay at Shenanigan's hotel)
Sunday (9/3) rest in Ocean City, MD (do the finishing ride and finishing party)
We only have 5 days of biking left!! If you would like to meet up with us at any point to bike or hang out,
email me at, or
call me at 443-223-5740
Mileage: 65
Funds Raised:
(Donate Here)
$14,870.00 for Kupenda
Donation thanks to Shelley's friends at bowling!
$20,000 is the goal for Kupenda. That is the amount needed to build a boarding facility so that 30+ children, who have disabilities, will get to go to school!!! It is a chance to really make a difference in a lot of people's lives!!!
$9,506.00 for ADA
Battling diabetes is something that is close to our hearts since Adam has Type I Diabetes. AFC's mission at it's core is to raise awareness, show other diabetics that anything is possible, and to do anything to combat diabetes!
Last night we went bowling in Norfolk with Shelley and some of her friends! A couple of them even donated :) It was so fun even if all of AFC is awful at bowling!
Today we had a really short/easy ride from Norfolk to Tappahannock. We just found the fastest most direct route from the two towns as possible on the map and we went for it! We can't wait until tomorrow when we are reunited with tons and tons of our friends and family in Hughesville, MD. Jesse's parents live in Hughesville and on Saturday night his cousin (DeeDee) and sister (Carly) organized a big fundraising party at a local bar. On Sunday we are having a cookout at his parents house! Ohhhh man its going to be fun!
Here is our schedule for our final week of biking:
Saturday (8/26) bike to Hughesville, MD (party at hotel charles)
Sunday (8/27) rest in Hughesville, MD (cookout at Jesse's parents house)
Monday (8/28) bike to Washington D.C. (staying with our friend Jase.. DC yokey)
Tuesday (8/29) rest in Washington D.C. (find something fun to do)
Wednesday (8/30) bike to Towson, MD (staying with Melissa... find karaoke for MD)
Thursday (8/31) rest in Towson, MD (give a talk at a hospital... other stuff)
Friday (9/1) bike to Cambridge, MD (stay with JasonDrinkMoreWater)
Saturday (9/2) bike to Ocean City, MD (stay at Shenanigan's hotel)
Sunday (9/3) rest in Ocean City, MD (do the finishing ride and finishing party)
We only have 5 days of biking left!! If you would like to meet up with us at any point to bike or hang out,
email me at, or
call me at 443-223-5740
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Norfolk, VA
Date: 8/23/06
Mileage: 5
Funds Raised:
(Donate Here)
$14,820.00 for Kupenda
$20,000 is the goal for Kupenda. That is the amount needed to build a boarding facility so that 30+ children, who have disabilities, will get to go to school!!! It is a chance to really make a difference in a lot of people's lives!!!
$9,506.00 for ADA
Battling diabetes is something that is close to our hearts since Adam has Type I Diabetes. AFC's mission at it's core is to raise awareness, show other diabetics that anything is possible, and to do anything to combat diabetes!
Today we had a super extremely short bike ride from Newport News to Shelley's house in Norfolk. It is so awesome to be hanging out with Shelley and Carly! We haven't seen them in soo long :)
We got our karaoke done tonight so that leaves only DC and Maryland left for karaoking! It has been a long hard battle. Some nights we definately did not feel like going to do karaoke, especially on the nights when we had a long bike ride all day, but we have always gotten it done!
Mileage: 5
Funds Raised:
(Donate Here)
$14,820.00 for Kupenda
$20,000 is the goal for Kupenda. That is the amount needed to build a boarding facility so that 30+ children, who have disabilities, will get to go to school!!! It is a chance to really make a difference in a lot of people's lives!!!
$9,506.00 for ADA
Battling diabetes is something that is close to our hearts since Adam has Type I Diabetes. AFC's mission at it's core is to raise awareness, show other diabetics that anything is possible, and to do anything to combat diabetes!
Today we had a super extremely short bike ride from Newport News to Shelley's house in Norfolk. It is so awesome to be hanging out with Shelley and Carly! We haven't seen them in soo long :)
We got our karaoke done tonight so that leaves only DC and Maryland left for karaoking! It has been a long hard battle. Some nights we definately did not feel like going to do karaoke, especially on the nights when we had a long bike ride all day, but we have always gotten it done!
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Newport News, VA
Date: 8/22/06
Mileage: 75
Funds Raised:
(Donate Here)
$14,820.00 for Kupenda
$20,000 is the goal for Kupenda. That is the amount needed to build a boarding facility so that 30+ children, who have disabilities, will get to go to school!!! It is a chance to really make a difference in a lot of people's lives!!!
$9,506.00 for ADA
Battling diabetes is something that is close to our hearts since Adam has Type I Diabetes. AFC's mission at it's core is to raise awareness, show other diabetics that anything is possible, and to do anything to combat diabetes!
We had a hugeeee breakfast at Judith's house in Chester before we left for Newport News. Judith also packed us some food for the road.
Mileage: 75
Funds Raised:
(Donate Here)
$14,820.00 for Kupenda
$20,000 is the goal for Kupenda. That is the amount needed to build a boarding facility so that 30+ children, who have disabilities, will get to go to school!!! It is a chance to really make a difference in a lot of people's lives!!!
$9,506.00 for ADA
Battling diabetes is something that is close to our hearts since Adam has Type I Diabetes. AFC's mission at it's core is to raise awareness, show other diabetics that anything is possible, and to do anything to combat diabetes!
We had a hugeeee breakfast at Judith's house in Chester before we left for Newport News. Judith also packed us some food for the road.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Chester, VA (near Richmond)
Date: 8/21/06
Mileage: 95
Funds Raised:
(Donate Here)
$14,820.00 for Kupenda
Donation thanks to Dennis Logan
$20,000 is the goal for Kupenda. That is the amount needed to build a boarding facility so that 30+ children, who have disabilities, will get to go to school!!! It is a chance to really make a difference in a lot of people's lives!!!
$9,506.00 for ADA
Donation thanks to Jonathan Gdowik
Donation thanks to Jennifer Burtchette
Battling diabetes is something that is close to our hearts since Adam has Type I Diabetes. AFC's mission at it's core is to raise awareness, show other diabetics that anything is possible, and to do anything to combat diabetes!
Today was great! We biked from Charlottesville to Chester (which is a suburb of Richmond). There was no wind and it was not hot out. We kept a hott pace for the first 73 miles and then we stopped for lunch. We ate lunch with some of Adam's co-workers from Richmond. It was super awesome. They got us wraps, cookies, and fruit and brought it all to a little park that was right on our route as we went through Richmond so we didn't have to do any extra miles to find them. It was great!
After lunch we continued on to Chester, VA. We arrived at the house of Judith who is someone who found us on Our friend Lauren Saft put postings on craigs list that we were looking for places to stay all across the country!
Judith made a hugeeeee steak dinner and some amazing deserts! She even had a pool that we were able to cool of in! So awesome!
Tomorrow we are heading out to Newport News, VA where we will be staying with Carly Stump's friends and hopefully doing our Virginia Karaoke (in case you didn't know... we have to do karaoke in every state we visit).
Mileage: 95
Funds Raised:
(Donate Here)
$14,820.00 for Kupenda
Donation thanks to Dennis Logan
$20,000 is the goal for Kupenda. That is the amount needed to build a boarding facility so that 30+ children, who have disabilities, will get to go to school!!! It is a chance to really make a difference in a lot of people's lives!!!
$9,506.00 for ADA
Donation thanks to Jonathan Gdowik
Donation thanks to Jennifer Burtchette
Battling diabetes is something that is close to our hearts since Adam has Type I Diabetes. AFC's mission at it's core is to raise awareness, show other diabetics that anything is possible, and to do anything to combat diabetes!
Today was great! We biked from Charlottesville to Chester (which is a suburb of Richmond). There was no wind and it was not hot out. We kept a hott pace for the first 73 miles and then we stopped for lunch. We ate lunch with some of Adam's co-workers from Richmond. It was super awesome. They got us wraps, cookies, and fruit and brought it all to a little park that was right on our route as we went through Richmond so we didn't have to do any extra miles to find them. It was great!
After lunch we continued on to Chester, VA. We arrived at the house of Judith who is someone who found us on Our friend Lauren Saft put postings on craigs list that we were looking for places to stay all across the country!
Judith made a hugeeeee steak dinner and some amazing deserts! She even had a pool that we were able to cool of in! So awesome!
Tomorrow we are heading out to Newport News, VA where we will be staying with Carly Stump's friends and hopefully doing our Virginia Karaoke (in case you didn't know... we have to do karaoke in every state we visit).
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